Monday, August 9, 2010

More Thoughts of course

So I was sitting there still seething from that Bachelor party. Then I got to thinking. What is the deal with him and picking on me. I mean he doesn't really know me. Now it could be that he thinks I'm just a good natured person or he really doesn't like me. Now I'm not sure that it's because he doesn't like me because if that was it he wouldn't have been so insistent that I go to his bachelor party. Is it because he met my mom and she was shocked to find out how old he was? Is the fact I'm like the youngest guy working? I mean I was at the party and I got pestered the most about the Jet Ski. He goes on about how I'd be going to my grave saying I never rode a Jet Ski. Ok first off I'm 21 and now live on a river. Pretty sure if I wanted to get on one I'd be able to get onto it before I die. Next why are you pushing this issue so much? It's not your Jet Ski and no one else is doing it. Maybe he sensed I was bored, but that's not a good way of getting me to do anything. Plus it really pisses me off. If I don't want to do something I won't do it and bugging me about doesn't make me anymore likely to do it. Your the one that decided to have a bachelor party where the only source of entertainment is one person's Jet Ski and drinking beer. I told him flat out I don't drink and I wasn't planning to. He said oh that's fine his other friend doesn't drink. Plus I was promised wake boarding. That didn't happen. So I don't know what this guy's deal with me is. Maybe it's a little brother thing. I don't know, but it's starting to annoy me. Plus I have to go to this guys wedding reception since I'll be missing the wedding part. Least there I don't have to mingle and I can just sit there drink my drink and talk to someone. Plus I can leave anytime after I finish the meal or my drink. Yeah not happy with this guy.
So I just weighed myself today and I'm the exact same weight last week. That could mean several things. It could mean that I'm leaning out and my muscle mass is increasing and fat is going down. The weights I'm lifting has increased, yet I don't see the mass that should be accompanying that. I will admit I do look leaner, but I'd like the mass to back it up. The thing about the bachelor party is the guy use to be a bodybuilder and now is kinda shifting into power lifting. Most of his friends lift with him and have the mass to prove it. Yeah that doesn't feel intimidating or anything. Yes they've been working out longer then me, but it's just the fact that I'm younger and should look better. It didn't bother me at the time, mainly because I went into this ahead of time knowing I'm probably the smallest guy there. Then I saw guys that were fat and that made me feel better. I'd just like to have more muscle mass to show for my year of working out. I'm sure the problem is that my ectomorph is starting to come into play. I'm probably going to have to go onto an eating plan if I plan on getting bigger which of course I don't have the money for. I also don't want to do it because I know initially I'm going to look fat until my body gets use to the extra intake of food and converts it into muscle. Maybe it's also because I've added waximaze to my workouts which pulls out water and I use to have water weight. Maybe any weight I gain at this state will be pure muscle. I won't know until the 23rd when I get remeasured. Maybe I'm just feeling insecure today. Maybe that's why I'm so down and being so mean to this guy.
So again I was checking out and found another video that is funny for so many reasons. Ok Just one reason really. Let's just say that if this happened to me I'd turn bright red. Then again I wouldn't dance like this so I really don't have to worry. So enjoy. Today's tip is hyperbole is both a fun word and the most used tool by teens to get what they want.

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