Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Common Sense is a killer

I swear it is. Apparently if you use common sense it causes some sort of physical pain. I say that because people seem to refuse to use it. Today weight hog was in the gym and he was worse then before. Not for me, but my workout partner. We get there and I spot his car. As I go to get my water bottle filled and out pops weight hog. I thought he was leaving, but I was wrong. He goes over to the treadmill and works up a sweat. He then moves to the machines. Now he doesn't just stay at one machine then wipe down the machine. No he goes to every single machine and doesn't wipe them down. He then comes to the weight room moves one of the benches does some ab exercise using dumbbells and leaves them on the ground and goes at the machines again. Alright here is the common sense part. Common sense would tell you that if your sweaty then maybe you should wipe your sweat off the machine. Common sense would also tell you that maybe you shouldn't pull off weights and then walk away unless it's to get some water and your coming back. I don't know what is going through this guys head. You won't see a bodybuilder doing that. Want to know why? Because they know that if you work a muscle to exhaustion you'll gain more mass then if you go around working everything. At most you'll see a bodybuilder super set which is when they go between two exercises working muscle groups that are opposites. Now that I can get and I'm not pissed about as long as it doesn't stop me from working out. I'm so tempted to yell at him next time. Now the other thing that people need some common sense about is diet. People keep going for these fad diets. For example the low fat diet. In theory it sounds great, but your body does need fats. Not at the level that fast food joints have, but enough to store for energy and keep things working. For example fish oil has good fatty acids. It's good for the heart, but a low fat diet would stop you from getting them. The other diet that I still can't believe people follow is this low carb diet. Again in theory sounds great. If you get too many carbs they turn into fat, but the big problem is that guess what your brain requires quite a lot of carbs to keep everything going. Not to mention that your body will pull out carbs from your muscles. Plus it will hold onto fat for dear life. Taking in more protein isn't going to help that problem. Your body can only take in so many grams of protein at a crack and it's not going to give your brain or body energy. The other fad diet I see all the time is the reduced calorie diet. Again in theory it sounds great. Your taking in too many calories and it's turning into extra weight, but lowering your calorie intake means that you'll only be at that weight as long as you keep the calories down. You are now stuck in this box. You can't splurge even a little bit. Once you get off of it your body is going to hold onto everything it ever gets so your going to gain the weight back plus some. The more you do it the worse it gets. The other problem I have is the food pyramid diet. It tells you that you need to eat so much of something, but it doesn't distinguish between something good or bad. For example your suppose to take in 3-5 servings of veggies. Well someone takes a v8 and says oh they have 3 servings of veggies or a serving of veggies or whatever. So they then say oh I'm set. Or how about meats. It doesn't say take in lean meats. It just says take in meats. So people pig out on fried chicken or steaks with a lot of fats. See how someone could easily get fat or eat unhealthy by following the food pyramid. It's too loose. It's just some checklist. Here is what people need to be doing. Proportions. That is the key to any diet. You eat a certain percentage of your calories as carbs, proteins, and fats. You can still eat what you want, but you have to make healthier choices if you want to not eat once a day. Plus eating 3 meals and 3 snacks every 3 hours. This keeps your metabolism from ever slowing down. Plus your less likely to randomly snack. That's why those meal plans work. They keep things in proportion. You aren't taking in tons of fats or a huge number of carbs. Like I said common sense stuff. Today's tip is in trying to change to fit someone else you change who you are, leading to unhappiness and resentment.

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