Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What a day

So yesterday was a good day for me at work. I thought it was a slow day when in actuality it was a really good day. I think I'm getting better at my job. It could be that I'm starting to really look the part. It could also be the fact that I'm getting more confident. Maybe it's just that I'm getting better at telling people that are wasting time, people that look like they are wasting time, but actually aren't, and those that pretend to act like they are interested, but just want info. Maybe I'm just a better salesman then I realized. Whatever it is I plan on keeping it up. If I do I could get a raise. Who doesn't like a raise.
The other day I rented a movie from Blockbuster. I don't usually rent movies from there since someone lets me use their netflix, but I just felt like going. I picked up the movie and I noticed that it said rental on the cover. I figured well that's odd. I then bring the movie home and again on the dvd it says rental. I pop it in and there are no dvd options. It just goes straight into the movie. So this got me thinking. Isn't blockbuster suffering? Why would they have rental versions of movies? What if I wanted to see the alternate ending for that movie? There is a reason why blockbuster is losing to netflix. With netflix you get the actual movie dvd. You don't get some rental version. I don't know if this is to help cut down on piracy or what. I just feel like it just puts blockbuster more in the hole. Maybe I'm wrong and people actually like that. I just know I don't and I know I personally am not going back to blockbuster to rent a movie.
As I was leaving the gym I noticed this truck behind me. I didn't pay it much attention since well I'm on the street and other cars tend to drive behind you. So I make the turn to get onto my street and this truck makes the same turn. Ok odd, but not the first time it happened. So I keep driving and eventually turn into my apartment complex. Again this truck makes the same turn. So I'm getting nervous at this point. As I park I figured they will take the spot next to me. No they just drove past. I noticed that it was a tow truck. I'm just thinking what the fuck. Why is a tow truck following me? Does my car look that run down. As I get ready to head in I notice the truck has made a circle and left. Honestly I really do think that truck was following me. I don't know if it's because they thought I was the one that called them, or if it was because they thought that the call came from the apartment complex. All I know is that it freaked me out and I made sure to lock the doors and windows when I left for work.
Speaking of strange things I got an e-mail from neopets. Yes I have a neopets account. The thing is they sent the e-mail not once, not twice, but three times. It's the same e-mail too. It basically says that my account has been inactive for awhile and will be deleted if I don't log in. Honestly I can live with that. Neopets has gotten to commercial. I liked it better when it was run by people in Britain. I know this because they spelled color with a u. It was big, but not so big that everyone and their mother was joining the site. I use to go on regularly until my friends on there told me about gaia and like went on there and likes it a whole lot more. I gave my account away to someone who it turns out just went on there took some items and neopoints and was never on it again. My hatred for neopets arose when I went to check on the site one day. I saw that it changed and then I noticed something called the neomall. This is where members could pay real money to buy items for their neopet to wear. I thought oh ok that's cool. Then I found out that they expired. That's right the clothes that you put on your neopets that you bought with real money disappear after a week to a month. I'm just sitting there thinking oh this is bullshit. This is the biggest legal scam I've ever seen. If they were paying with virtual cash then ok I'd be fine with it, but not when you spend real money on something virtual that isn't even permanent. Now I think they actually fixed that because I'm sure parents and users complained, but still that showed me they are all about the money not making a fun experience so I never went back. So my account will be deleted on the 21st and I honestly couldn't give a crap.
Remember when I said if you see a bad video on the web that you should simply not spread it around or leave a constructive comment? Well I also said that if you like a video then you should spread it around and leave comments. If I didn't say that I implied it. Anyway I found a video that I thought was really good. I saw it before, but I was looking for a different video. Well I watched the video again and I just thought wow this is a really good video. You remember the song Don't be Jealous of my Boogie by RuPaul? Well this is a video that a user put together. It honestly looks professional. So I figured I'd post it and spread it around. Hope you think it's as good as I do. Today's tip is good word choice is an important life skill. It can be the difference between getting a job and leaving in a squad car.

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