Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a year.

One year ago I moved up here to Wisconsin to work. I have honestly had an up and down year. More ups then downs that's for sure. I can't believe how much I've learned or how many people I really have helped so many people. It really did open my eyes to a lot of things. I think I've matured quite a lot in that year. Honestly I've also learned a lot about athletes and how hard it is to not try to cheat. Especially when it comes to Bodybuilding. There is so much bullshit that goes around with that sport. For example. I got this book from work called Get the Pump. It seemed like a pretty straight forward book. I opened it and read that this book was going to cut through the bs and fillers in others books and get you the facts. Well when a book says they are going to do that they usually mean they will drop the other bs and add it's own. The book wouldn't come out and say it, but it was clearly a book from the makes of Muscletech. All the supplements they mentioned were Muscletech supplements. They didn't say hey get a supplement that does this. No it was buy this product. They said they'd give you the exercise to get the size. Well they really only mentioned two exercises that each of these bodybuilders use to get size on a specific body part. Oh and I will note that they didn't focus on the legs other then a certain section. So basically just things to get you to have size up top, but not on the bottom. So you look like you would tip over in the wind. It just annoyed me so much.
So me and my workout buddy were driving over to the gym and I we were talking about what I read. I mentioned that bodybuilding is such a poorly paid sport. Basically if you win the first prize that pays for basically a portion of the supplements you need, the gym membership, the travel, and all those other little expenses that come with the sport. That's why so many bodybuilders have to find other ways of getting money. If you look up a lot of these bodybuilders you'd find some pretty adult related things. These guys have to get so big to become champions or at least get sponsors to see them and think they are worth it. The sport is such a double edge sword. The only way to make it in the sport is to win. The only way to win is to get big. The only way to get big is to get the right supplements. The only way to get the right supplements is to get the money. The only way to get the money is to get the sponsors. The only way to get the sponsors is to win. It's again another reason why I could never go into bodybuilding.
The other thing about the sport is what it does to your body. Look at the big bodybuilding legends from the 70's. Very few of them haven't had some sort of problem. The ones that use steroids have incredibly low testosterone levels. Some of them have a lot of heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems. A lot of them are out of shape because of all the dieting they had to do and the low testosterone. Starving your body puts it into this survival mode. They have to get their body fat level really low so all the muscle is visible. They dehydrate the body to make sure the skin sticks to the muscle super close. So when they finally get food the body holds onto it for dear life. That's why Yo-Yo dieting leads to people eventually becoming fatter. Plus I'm sure a lot of them regret endorsing some of the products they did. I mean I bet a lot of the guys sponsored by muscletech don't actually use it. Or they do, but don't get the results they claim to get in those ads. I really can't imagine doing something like that. Lying to people and having them spends tons of money one a product that doesn't actually work.
Well after that kinda intense rant we need to see something funny. Some people are crazy when it comes to fast food. There are people quite addicted to things. This is one woman who can't live without her McNuggets. I'm sure we all have seen this at some point, but again it's fun to watch that someone could go that crazy over food. Today's tip is you never know how lucky you are until you see someone that has nothing.

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