Thursday, August 19, 2010

You can't fix stupid

That is my new mantra. Over the past two days I've seen and heard some of the stupidest things ever. I want to call out those people and shout in their face that they are being stupid, but I can't. I have had to tell myself several times that you can't fix stupid. I've heard Ron White say it all the time. I've heard my friend's and boss say it, but it's so hard for me to not want to fix it. So the best I can do is call it out on this blog. Oh and there is plenty of stupid to call out. What I call stupid is anything that someone does where they clearly thought about this and did it anyway. I also call stupid doing the same things and expecting different results. I even call not taking into account all the facts right in front of you stupid. With that in mind I guess I'll get started on what I believe are some of the stupider things I've seen in the past two days.
So I was at the gym and Brett Farve was making his annual press conference. In it he says he's glad to be back and blah blah blah. Now here is where the stupid comes in. He says his goal has always been to play football for 20 years and no more. Ok if that was "always his goal" then why the hell did he retire twice and on the verge of a third time? Why go through the hoops of crying and saying you want to spend more time with your family. If you truly wanted to play football for 20 years you would have come back from that first retirement and shut the hell up until the end of your 20th year. Why don't you just tell the truth. You are making sure you have a way out no matter what happens. If you get injured or play horribly you can blame everyone that pushed you to keep playing (the fans and the team) and say hey I didn't want to come back, but everyone wanted me to so I did it for them. If you play great then you can say I was worried about my ankle, but I kept going because I knew the fans and team needed me. If you win the superbowl then you are the big time hero and all the praise goes to you. So that's the stupid on his part. The stupid on everyone else's part is that they let him get away with this crap. They put all their hopes into him playing. They let him act like an ass and praised him for it. It's that whole spoiled brat complex. Instead of saying yeah we'd like you to stay, but if you don't we got someone else they bent over backwards for him. Well Vikings fans and team you better hope for your sake that he doesn't get hurt again or that he gets you to the Superbowl because if he doesn't then well I hope it was worth having a brown nose.
The other stupid I saw was on the show Disorder in the Court. Now this is the type of stupid that is just being pointed out more on this show, but it happens all the time. What I mean is the family of the person that had been found guilty of murder or what have you being stupid. The first was a mother of a kid that was the leader of a group that went on an crime state over three states ending with the death of a woman. Well the kid was found guilty (shocker) and his mother was being interviewed. She's like I know he didn't do it, it's not in his blood, I didn't raise no murderer and I'll be with him until the day he days. Ok this is stupid because 1. I'm sure there was tons of evidence showing it was him. 2. No one said that you raised a murderer. They are saying that he had become a murderer. How many people do you know that actually raise a child up to become a murderer? I mean honestly. Now the it's not in his blood is a bullshit answer. Of course it's not in his blood. It's in his head. That's where the signal came from, and saying that your going to be with him until the day you die is well short sided. She had another child. Or it was just a baby she was holding. Your really going to stop living life and center your being around this child that is now in prison for life with no chance of parole? Wow can't fix that. The other was the uncle of one of the two guys that murdered a police officer. He stands up and basically tells the family get over it. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? That's stupid on so many counts. 1. the family is right there. 2. that was a cop so the cops in the room are already on edge. 3. what good did that do? What was the purpose of being that big of an asshole that you tell a grieving family to get over it. If you lost someone no one tells you to just get over it. No there is going to be a grief there for a long time. It's just that it gets to a point where you can function from day to day. Being in at the trial of someone that killed your family member is not a place where the grief just goes away. Where you just get over it once the person is put behind bars. That wasn't the only person that was stupid. There was a family reading impact statements and the father lashed out at the killer. While he was being restrained the mother of the killer (he had been found guilty already) was going on about how she had lost a son. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING! It's not even close to the same thing. How the hell did you think that saying that was going to help anything? I just don't know what goes through people's heads that make them say crap like that. It's not that they are emotional. If they were truly emotional they wouldn't be saying this crap. They'd be apologizing for the torture that they put the family through.
Well now that I feel better by pointing out some more stupid I think it's time to show something that is far from stupid. DBZ abridged episodes. I say that because to come up with those jokes and do all that editing clearly they aren't stupid. Recently Team Four star has released the 17th episode. I think by far it is the funniest and best made episode so far. From start to finish it was good. It's really hard for me to not ruin some of the jokes now. Just be prepared to hold your sides in. Today's tip is you can't fix stupid, but you can mock it. Laughter is the best medicine.

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