Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hmm good day yesterday

Yesterday was a darn good day. Not only because I found out that I had less body fat then originally thought, but because it was one of those days when I saw a lot of people, but didn't feel like I was overwhelmed. I actually thought the sales weren't as high as they were. I just felt good all day. Just positive all around. Ok well not all around.
I don't know what the deal is with vendors. They do everything they can to get you to get their products then when you decide yeah this is a good product and have some questions they never answer you. We brought in this new product which a lot of guys liked then they decided to change it up on us. So we got samples of that and it sounds like we were going to bring in the new stuff, then we heard they are adding a new ingredient. So we asked for samples of this and literature on why they were adding it. The guy said it's the best stuff out there and has a university study to back it up. So I asked for this information. 3 weeks ago. He promised he was sending out samples and going to get us the information. Well yesterday he sends this e-mail saying this stuff is now in and if you have any questions or need information on this product e-mail me. So I did pointing out that he promised me samples and this information 3 weeks ago. Well needless to say he hasn't e-mailed me back so I called him. Shockingly I got his voicemail. Yeah hasn't called back. I even made sure he had an incentive to call back to. Threatened to not carry the product anymore. Well that's what's going to happen if when we want information we can't get a hold of him. Now imagine if we wanted to place an order. We don't want to spend 3 weeks trying to order it. I think it's that he doesn't have this information and doesn't have the backbone to admit he lied about having it or sending out the samples. Not having samples or information doesn't annoy me nearly as much as claiming you do and claiming you are sending it out or will send it out and I have to wait 3 weeks and still get nothing. It really pisses me off and that means no business for you.
This reminds me that I have a few customers I'm very leery about recommending stuff for. Mainly because if something doesn't work they will blame me. 9 times out of 10 it's because of something they do. I had one person say that the product caused him to go into a deep depression. Yeah there is nothing in a product we sell that would cause depression as a side effect. I would know if that was the case since I took the product before. Clearly something else was going on and he just blamed the product. Well I bring this up because that's one of the types of people I had to deal with yesterday. You see this guy is friends with the guy that claimed that the product I recommended caused him to go to the emergency room then to my face said it was the pizza he ate. Well the friend that came in is older then this guy. He pushes himself like he's this younger guy. He wants to take everything he's taking. In fact the owner tried to help him before and tried to steer him away from a product with heavy creatine. Well since his friend was taking it he was taking it. Well he goes to the doctor and his creatine levels are high so he couldn't take creatine for a long time and of course blamed the owner. So we are both gun shy in recommending anything to him. Well he comes in and says he wants to try a new pre-workout. Now I have to take his age into account whenever I recommend something. I also have to take into account that if his friend didn't like it then he won't like it. Well I showed him two products and then he kinda tricked me into mentioning a product that I like. Now Xpand Xtreme goes over really well with some guys, but makes other sick. I warned him several times that I didn't recommend the product because it's so intense and tends to make guys sick. Well he kept pushing and pushing so I made sure he added some waximaze to it to try to keep him from getting sick. Something tells me I'm going to get blamed for "pushing it" onto him if he gets sick or it doesn't do what he wants it to do. Lucky for me the owner was in the backroom and heard everything so he of course will back me up if he comes in when I'm not there saying it made him sick.
Today's tip is people forget how honesty can be helpful or hurtful. It can be the difference between a warning, a ticket, and having a roommate named Bubba.

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