Saturday, August 14, 2010

And it's saturday workday

Yep it's either going to be a really long day or a really short one. That's how Saturday's work. I'm expecting a few people to show up, but we'll see. Yesterday's blog was so hard to get that 750. I had to include the stuff after the squibies which I don't usually do. I made it past the 750, but only by 25 words. I was struggling for topics. I had a plan in my head, but again it looks like I have to start writing stuff out in advance.
One topic I was going to talk about was the interview I saw with Dina Lohan. All I can say is wow I see why Lindsey is so screwed up. For one she talked like Sarah Palin. You know the whole I'm going to talk louder then you and say they same thing over and over again so you have to believe me or get frustrated trying to talk to me. I mean Matt Laurer says that Lindsey went to rehab 4 times and then Dina is like no it was only two. See yeah that could be a mistake, but honestly I don't think it was. I bet she has been in rehab 4 times and the mother just didn't want to admit it because she wants to look like the good mom. Then Matt mentions something about how the daughter has future super star on her website. Again Dina denies this. Says the daughter doesn't even have a website. I meant to go check on that to see if she did have one. Again I bet she does and Dina is trying to be super mom and say no I'm not pushing my kids into acting and what not. Now those were minor things for me. It was something she kept saying that made me say wow you really need to stop talking. She said the judge removed herself from the case because she went against what the DA wanted. Dina kept saying she would have been fired for playing "hardball". Alright that is wrong on so many levels. If Judges could get fired for going against a DA then they'd all be fired. When a DA yells out "objection" and the judge says overruled. That's going against the DA and they aren't fired. So clearly there is more to the situation then that. The fact that she kept saying that told me that clearly this woman doesn't know what she's doing or saying. Yep she is for sure one that lead Lindsey down the road she's on. The fact she kept pushing this idea that she's a good mother means she knows she's not.
So after that total body workout I did yesterday I'm not sore. That's odd for me. Maybe I'm not getting as sore because I'm making sure I lift properly and that I'm not lifting too heavy. I mean I've seen guys go in there and honestly they lift improperly. Or they clearly are at a weight too heavy. Some guys have this idea that they should move up a certain weight in a certain amount of time. Personally I think upping the weight every 3 weeks is perfect. Makes sure I have the weight under control and keeping proper form. I'm sure there are some exercises that I should up the weight more often, but I don't. I think that is probably the reason why I use to get sore a lot. I lifted too much weight so that I didn't have the proper form or I added far too much weight far too quickly. Then I'd have to keep a weight at a certain point because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to keep up my rep average of 8. I like being able to do at least 8 reps, but according to a book as long as I keep an average of 6 I'm fine which I can usually do. Usually what happens when I up the weight is that I do 2 sets of 8 and a set of 6 or 7 or I manage to hit all 8, but I'm tired as hell. Speaking of which I'm not nearly as tired after a workout. Again I thank the Waximaze for that. That is an incredible product that I wish I added more often to my workouts. I think it would have made starting out so much easier. Probably would be better off now since I could go to muscle fatigue easier. Plus it's really leaning me out which has always made me very self conscious.
Today's video is the music video for Baka Survior. That was the 2nd opening for Bobobo-Bo Bo-bo-bo..... I think I did that right. Anyway it was never shown on cartoon network (for some stupid ass reason I'm sure) which is a shame because it's a great song. Hmm maybe becaus Baka means idiot... Anyway this is the music video by the band ULFULS. Hope you like it because it's crazy. Today's tip is a sign of dehydration is a headache and/or aggression. A sign you're a jerk is doing the "fire in the hole" prank.

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