Friday, August 27, 2010

Well I'm going to be busy

Today I'm all by myself which usually means that everyone comes in that wants to talk to the owner and has to settle for talking to me. Plus I have some products I should probably get to ordering. Yeah it's going to be a push today.
Speaking of today guess what I found.
Found my icon in the mosaic of @KatyPerry made by @todayshow.... on Twitpic Yep that is me in a mosaic of Katy Perry that was made by the Today Show for their summer Concert Series. As you can tell I'm super excited about it. Never been part of a mosaic picture before. Not to mention it came out really good. I will say I was kinda worried because when I first went on there there were a few icons here and there, but most of it was black. Clearly a lot more people signed up after me. Hope the Today Show gives her a copy of it as a poster.
Anyway getting back to my normal rant and rave mode...sort of, why do people insist on letting their dogs roam around in the car. I can honestly say I only saw that a few times in Texas. Here everyone seems to do that. This guy behind me was tailgating me. Then when I look in my rear view mirror I see this huge black dog and HE'S PETTING IT! Dude you are riding my bumper and you are going to turn around and pet your dog. What if I stop all of a sudden? You now just rammed into me and your dog is now thrown into the windshield. He'd then try to blame me for it of course. Yeah no one would see it as my fault. Then there was a dog I saw one day while coming home from work in a guys rear view window. It was a tiny dog, but imagine if they got into a wreck or had to stop suddenly. That dog is now a projectile with tons of force. Just seems like if you loved your dog you'd 1. Make sure that your dog was restrained in the car or 2. if your going to have your dog out free you'd drive a lot more carefully.
In other news apparently my tip of the day made someone I know think of someone else I know. She responds saying oh that reminds me of [insert name here]. Now the thing with [insert name here] is she's right. He is an arrogant prick. This asshole drew a penis (several times mind you) on my dry erase board. Then when confronted he said he did it to just let guys know they could come by my place anytime. Then when you called him a homophobe he basically did the argument for not being a racist. He says my cousin is gay. Anyway over the year that I knew him he started to fall more and more out of favor with everyone in the group. Then as if he didn't make matters bad enough for himself he then posted my name on a site where trolls love to go. He then posted racist and homophobic stuff. So when I called him out about it and said I was going to the campus administration he quickly took it down and wrote me an apology. Yeah I still have it. Anyway he really proves what my tip yesterday said. People sense arrogance and it turns them off. They slowly draw away from it. Probably why he couldn't ever get a girlfriend and jumped from crush to crush.
In other rant related news I was watching world's dumbest and I saw a video that made me just get up in arms. I was going to post it here, but it's not up on the site. Or it is and I can't find it. So for his 16th birthday this kid gets a truck. Now I'll admit it was a pretty beat up truck with stuff spray painted on it. So when the kid sees it he's like I don't like it. Great your trying to make me look like a poor loser bitch (too late). He then gets a bat and starts swinging at the truck. When the dad tries to stop him he threateningly lifts up the bat as if he's going to hit him. Wow how much of a spoiled brat is this kid. And like attacking it with a bat is going to solve your problems. If anything it will make the truck look worse. Now I think the parents shouldn't have let it go on as long as it did. Anyway I was just shocked that someone would do that. If that was my kid oh he'd so be beyond punished. I don't care if it's your birthday you will not act like that especially when it's a gift. I mean I would say alright you get no car period. You were worried about looking like a poor bitch before oh that will be heaven compared to now. You now have to be driven everywhere by me or your mom. That is after you finished being grounded. Oh and now you have to get a job to pay for all the damages you made. Man I would have never gotten away with that crap.
So I'm still in the mood to point out the annoyance I have with the younger generation (great sound like an old man). This is another clip from World's Dumbest. Just watch it. The reaction of the mom is priceless. It's sad that clearly this has happened before. Today's tip is if you apologize then later say you regret apologizing because it made you look like a liar which you say your not then your an idiot.

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