Sunday, August 8, 2010

Well I Didn't have fun

Never again. I will never do that ever again. So I should have listened to my gut and not gone to the bachelor party. No I had to get dragged into it by the guy. I flat out don't even know him all that well. Plus I didn't know anyone else. Plus when he said he invited a customer I really should have backed out. I thought he was joking. That was my big mistake. I get there and of course he's not there. The customer is however. He of course comes over and wants to talk to me. Just so you know he's not exactly the most interesting or well put together person. So 20 minutes after I've been there the guy is finally there. So everyone gets there and we start the jet ski. The second guy breaks it. So we have to fix it. Now keep in mind I was told that there was going to be some wake boarding. Yeah that didn't happen. Basically all that happened was drinking beer, talking about things that I was not interested in or know about, and jet skiing which I didn't do because I can't even drive a scooter let alone a jet ski. I wasn't even talked to pretty much. Out of the whole day I had maybe 3 conversations which consisted of me saying yes, no, or so good it's illegal. I mean come on I don't know these guys. I'm the youngest there. I'm one of the two guys that doesn't drink and the other guy knows these guys well. Oh then to make matters better the wife to be shows up with the daughter. Ok a Bachelor party. This is suppose to be a Bachelor party. Why would you 1. let your soon to be wife show up and 2. let her show up with your kid. So any hope of fun for me died at that moment. So I left. There was another part of the party I was going to go to, but seeing how well the first part went I didn't want to go. As much fun as it is being ignored and feeling like a 17th wheel. Yes I know the expression is third wheel, but I was so past awkward feeling that I was like a 17th wheel. Ok make it 19th wheel since there are 18 wheelers. Anyway all it would have been is guys hanging out at the bar getting more drunk until they get to go to the titty bar. Yeah not my scene. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't go to strip clubs. So next bachelor party I get invited to I'm making sure that 1. I actually know the groom 2. I know other people besides the groom 3. drinking won't be the only activity and 4. that I always have a way out. Plus my room mate was invited too, but he didn't feel well. I mean if the only person I have to talk to isn't going to show up why should I? So I had one of my Seagram's Escapes cheered the soon to be groom and watched Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest. I will say that it was a good thing I didn't drink at the beach. Not only because I was driving, but because alcohol makes me sleepy. That's what happened last night. Now I'm sure standing out in the sun had something to do with that too. Well I didn't get a text or a call from him so clearly me not being there wasn't as traumatic as he made it out to be. I honestly don't feel bad for not showing up or texting or calling to let him know I wasn't going to show up. I have this problem with being too nice. I will go out of my way to not appear rude, but that causes things to boil up and things like this blog post happen. I can't yell at the person so I have to hold onto it and yell into my computer. Keeps things civil that way. I doubt the guy would even bother to check my twitter since he doesn't even have a facebook, plus his friends never asked me if I had a facebook so yeah. I could be wrong and everything I'm posting is going to get back to him, but hey I got to get it out someway. Writing in a journal doesn't do it for me.
Today I'm posting Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged movie. If you like the other episodes I posted then you'll like this movie. All I'll say is silly Mokuba, screen time is for main characters. Watch the movie to get it. Or you just got it without watching the movie. Anyway today's tip is always listen to your gut. It makes funny noises.

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