Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's humpday...I think

Today seems like a Thursday to me. I think just because of the weirdness that has been going on with me actually doing well at sells. Usually that happens later in the week. Also just seems like it's been busy this week. I could have sworn yesterday was Wednesday. It's just been a really weird week. Feels like it's the week I'm suppose to be remeasured, but that's actually next week, but it won't really be next week since I'll be working by myself. August is always a weird month for me. It's that whole back to school feeling that comes with August. You always try to make the most out of the month before you have to go back to school. For me I'm usually back to school the last week or last two weeks of August. Well on the plus side the week is almost over.
Today was a good workout once again. There was no weight hog. Seemed like my legs are getting stronger. It's time to move every weight up on everything next week. That requires me to do a total body workout which I will do on Friday my day off. Usually when I'm this excited to workout then I need to do a full body workout and move the weights up. That's what happened last time. I really do think I'm getting leaner. My weight isn't increasing so that helps to prove that theory. I bet I should up my calorie intake then I'd see more mass too. I'm always afraid to up my calorie intake because any type of belly buldge really messes with my self esteem. I mean for the first time in my life I actually see ridges in my stomach. I'm really liking it.
So I'm again in that mode that my co-worker really doesn't like me. Now again I'm sure I'm over reacting. I feel like he doesn't like me or has some idea that I didn't have fun at his bachelor party. His wife to be asked one of my co-workers if I had fun. Another one of his friends came in and asked if I had fun. Maybe they were just making conversaion, or maybe he had them ask me. What made me kinda paranoid was that I called his cell to let him know we had samples of something we wanted him to try and he didn't call back or show up to pick it up. When my boss calls him he usually calls back later that day. As far as I know he hasn't called back. It could be because I didn't say call me back, I just said we had samples and if he could pick them up to try them that would be great. This is why I write my blog. So I have to think outloud (so to speak). Keeps me from being so crazy and makes me think logically. If he doesn't like me well so what. We don't actually work together. I'm probably just over reading into things again and freaking myself over nothing.
Which reminds me what is it with people and Don't Touch signs. Ever since my store made a display people have been going up to it and picking things up. That's why we had a please don't touch sign. Well people still kept going over to it and picking things up. Why they think we would put products that aren't empty on a display is beyond me. So we made a new sign that says in big bold letters DON'T TOUCH! Just yesterday a guy goes over to the display and picks something up. I know he read the sign because I saw his eyes go that way. Come on people what is with this not reading the sign thing. It irritates me because I know that they know better they just choose to be annoying. Which reminds me of a customer I had yesterday. She comes in and practically yells to me that she's just looking waiting for the bus. She then asks me what are these products for (pointing to the personal care items). I said those are personal care items. They are moisturizers or soaps or lotions. She then again yells, oh for makeup. She picks one up and again yelling asks me what it is. I said it's a moisturizer. She then loudly tells me that she can't see so good. She then starts to hobble out to the hallway where she sees the bus. I really wish people would stop doing that.
Yu-Gi-Oh abridged movie. Yes there is another one. This one is a movie that was made of season 0 which is basically the season that took place before the Yu-Gi-Oh we all know and love. I say that because a lot of what happened (least from what I've seen) in that season is stuff that happened in flashbacks for the other Yu-Gi-Oh. Plus this one has misheard lyrics. How can you not love it. Oh right you can be a complete jackass. Anyway today's tip is the only way to learn is to try something new. The only way to fail is to give up.

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