Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today I'm boiling over

Today is one of those days when people are just going to irritate me. I can tell because it's only 9:15 in the morning and I'm tired. I had so much to do today. Plus I had some really annoying crap happen yesterday. So I'll let you know about what's going on today tomorrow and what happened yesterday that pissed me off.
So awhile back I blogged about this customer who came in and was just talk talk talk. She went on about how she's on wellfare and how she has 3 kids, but is in great shape. She just wanted samples really. She happened to stumble on our female enhancement product and grabbed a few. She then puts them and the samples in her purse. I called her on it and she apologized and put it back. Well I then go into the inventory and we are missing three. Well yesterday guess who showed up. Now I'm going to tell this story as it happened even though I obviously know stuff I didn't at the time it happened. So I had to go pee, but I heard this loud voice that sounded familiar. I go out there and sure enough it's her. And she's brought a friend. So as I come out I see my boss counting the same product which I caught her trying to take. As I get close to the counter she wispers over to me that she wanted more samples of that stuff for energy. She said she only got one days worth, which is bullshit I know she took two. So I tried to make it sound like our samples were limited and I can't give her some. Well my boss heard me and asked if she meant some of the samples of a different vitamin. I said no the other one and then he gives her two sample packets of that one. Well he tells me that she took one of our products and put it in her bag. Well as she tries to leave my boss calls her out for taking the product. She says no I just have samples in this bag. It was a grocery store paper bag. She dumps it out and shocker there's the product. She's like well I didn't know that was there. I was just showing my friend. I'll pay for it. Well she then keeps talking asking what is it for. Oh she knows what it's for because I told her the last time she came in plus she stole some and clearly liked them. So she pays and says I'm so sorry and I didn't mean to do it and I'll only come back when I have enough money for protein. Well after she left I counted our supply and 2 were missing meaning I think she put one back. Or I miss counted that other time. Anyway my boss tells me that she came in with that bag. Her friend seemed to be trying to keep him from noticing what the thief was doing. I happened to come out at the right time and so she ran off. He also pointed out that nothing was in that shopping bag, but those samples and they were laid on top of the product to make it look like she didn't take anything. So he's pissed and I'm pissed because she has now been caught by both of us trying to shoplift. So we now need to let the other employee know and that if she tries to pull the same stunt to call the police. Well my boss went out to talk to the guy that runs the card shack just down the hall from us. Turns out she got the bag from him saying she needed a bag to clean out her car. So he's now pissed that she tried to use him to help her commit crimes. Well a short time later she comes back with this swan song about how she now has no money for gas and she didn't really want this product because she doesn't need it. That if we don't want her back in our store she won't come back. Blah blah blah. I just took it back gave her the money and a dirty look and she left. I recounted everything on the counter. The most annoying part of it all is that she said if we were going to punish her for being absent minded that she'd like her money back so she could get gas and just not come back into the store. Ok being absent minded is like when I forgot to lock my car yesterday. Being absent minded is picking up something, paying for it, then realizing you meant to get something else. That's absent minded. Getting caught twice doing the same thing is not absent minded. That's called intent to steal. I'm sure if my boss and been there when she came back in he would have called the police. I just wanted to get her out of the store and away from anymore products she might try to steal.
Today's tip is there are days when things just set you off. The important thing is to make sure that you don't end up in jail and/or YouTube because of it.

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