Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fun Sunday

Basically I have so much crap to do today. The reason being is because the assholes that run the apartment complex seem to not understand that they need to fix the washing machines. They have been broken for at least 2 weeks and are still not fixed. How is it still not fixed really. They have their own maintenance team. I mean really. They were so focused on repainting the numbers and adding a sprinkler system and adding on these stupid fake window shutters that when an actual problem came up they can't pay to fix it. Plus now they are all of a sudden worried about the alarm. This guy knocks on my door and asks about the alarm and I kept telling him that it had been going off for the longest time. So now he wants to get a new battery for it. Thanks.
Oh yesterday was not a good day. I just had to deal with some of the most annoying customers. First off I had this guy who came in wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and polished slippers. That's right polished ones. It looked so wrong. Anyway he comes in and says he's looking for a meal replacement packets. After I show him where they were he says I don't get paid until Friday. So then why the hell are you here? Why are you there looking at stuff you can't afford and won't buy even if you could afford it. I've seen this before. They all come in say they want this, but that they have no money and will be in later that week or next week to buy it. Oh and he reeked. Just smelled like ass. It was terrible. Well eventually he says all you guys have is whey and I'm looking for this protein. I didn't hear what he said because one he was mumbling and two I didn't care anymore. So he walks out. Then I had this woman who came in was looking for free samples. She sees a product for female enhancement and grabs that. Then she wants samples of vitamins. Then she comes over to basically right behind the counter looking for samples for energy. She then decides to regale me with her life story. Goes on about how she's laid off and can't afford stuff. So as she's leaving I say aren't you going to pay for those female enhancements. She then says oh I thought they were free. WHY THE FUCK WOULD A FEMALE ENHANCEMENT BE FREE. Ugh seriously. Then as I was getting ready to close up the autistic guy comes in. Yeah I just couldn't win. So he asks me a question and I answer it. Then I just got the feeling he was about to ask me another one. So I said I'd love to keep talking to you, but I got to close up. I close up at 5 today. He says oh well I got my question answered so he went ahead and left.
So as if my day wasn't bad enough, as I was driving home I notice two bikers behind me. Well correction, I saw one behind me and another quite far off. So as I was driving I had to come to a stop. So the car ahead of me takes off their brake and I did the same and I slowly accelerate. The car then hits the brakes and so did I. I look up in my rear view mirror and I notice that the biker apparently wasn't paying attention and his rider did so she hits him and makes him pay attention. Well I continue to drive and I just had this feeling that the biker was following me. So I decide I'm not going to signal and just go. So as I turn he puts on his turn signal and I turn off and all I see is him pointing and driving off. I wouldn't be shocked if he got into another possible accident.
I'm a fan of The Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest. Mainly because it's always fun to watch dumb people. Anyway this is one of those moments. I'll just say grannies need to learn that they are no longer tiny. Especially not small enough to fit in a tiny hole in Vietnam. Oh and her reaction is priceless. Silly grannies, small holes are for.... never mind sounds too dirty. Today's tip is when in front of someone or something with more momentum then you, it's not a good idea to come to a sudden stop.

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