Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well I think too much

So before I start blogging I actually think about what I'm going to talk about. I sort of have this internal monologue going until I actually get a chance to sit down and type out my thoughts. It doesn't even stop there. I can get up for something and I'm still going in my head. It's kinda like I think out everything several times before I type it. I think the reason being is that every little thing can get me going. As you can tell from this blog I can rant and rave at the drop of a hat. I'm sure if I sat down and wrote down anything I thought was rant worthy then my blog would be quite long. It's probably because I'm a thinker. I think everything through. There are few actions I take that aren't calculated in some way. That's probably the libra in me. Well I got some rants going in my head so I better get them out.
First up is Vikings fans are really pissing me off. The simple reason is that they have no backbone. Why I say that is because they let Brett Farve trample all over them. They practically bend over and say please Farve do whatever you want to me. I mean they let him get away with anything he wants. First off no player should ever text in a "retirement plan" and then show up late to camp without some sort of tounge lashing from someone. Farve annoys me enough, but the fans annoy me worse. If your so desperate to cling to a player on your team then maybe you supporting the wrong team. If one player makes or breaks your team then well your teams pretty crappy. At least have two stars then I'd give you some credit. I know it's mean and I know I'll get really bad Karma for saying this but I really do hope Farve's ankle snaps. Why you ask because I'm sick and tired of his attention whore crap. He needs to get out of the game one way or another. On a less mean note I hope the Vikings get knocked out the first game of the playoffs. I hope they don't even get close to get Superbowl fever. Hey I know I'm being mean and I admitted it.
So what's wrong with this picture? Oh oh I know. The fact that it has BMI as a percentage. BMI is not a percentage. It's a Body Mass Index. Go look it up. It in no way is a percentage. It's your weight divided by your height. Now it is used to indicate "body fat", but it doesn't actually measure it. If you look at any BMI chart you will never see a percentage only a number. Now I'm not shocked that to find this picture in the same magazine that told me I should be taking in 55 oz of water in a 3 hour period of I exercise. That's 9.8 oz away from what I'm suggest to take in on a normal day. If you read the article it even says that his body fat percentage was 35% and is now down to 5%. Ok that's fine but why not just put that in the picture. Oh I know why. Because the magazine doesn't care about accuracy. They just want to get something out to make it look like their products are awesome. They didn't even make sure they spelled August right. They added a Y. It's just annoying when a magazine makes it self out to be this big expert type magazine and they make simple mistakes like that. So let's get this straight right here and right now. BMI is not body fat percentage. They are two different measurements taken two different ways. One is heavily flawed (BMI) and the other isn't. I wonder what mistakes I'd find in other issues if I really looked.
Yesterday the customer that blamed me for his Gallbladder problems came in. I pop out from the back room and he's like there he is. He seriously said there he is. So I'm like crap this is not going to be fun. He asks where my boss is (yep not going to be good) and I told him I gave him the afternoon off which is true. He then says well I'm looking for a pre-workout. I've been out of it (working out) for 2 months because of Gallstones. He then asks if I heard about and I said no (lying through my teeth). He says well that product you like is really acidic (and it probably is not saying if it is or isn't) and I had pizza the night before so that combination was pushing the Gallstone up. He then follows up with, but it's a great product. As you can see this guy likes to talk out of both sides of his mouth. So he says I think I'll go back to Super Pump. He picks it up and then asks if this was the final price. Yep this is going good. I said it is and he eventually buys it. Well I can tell you right now our price is better then the leading competitor that charges the retail price. Our price is better then their sale days. So that annoyed me. Then as I'm checking him out at the register he says have you put on weight. You look bigger. I said no I'm at the same weight I've been at for 2 months. Probably just look leaner. He says yeah. When you get to my age it's a lot harder blah blah blah. Ugh just wish he'd stop with this double talking thing. Just tell me what you really think. I know your just trying to sweeten me up so if something new comes along and I like it I'll recommend it to you or so you can pump me for information.
There was this study that found that 1 in 5 teens has had some sort of hearing loss. Now the expert they had on the Today show blamed it on mp3 players. Well I do agree that yeah they have some fault, but there are other factors too. How about those teens that blast their music so loud that they have to roll down their windows. You know the type of music you feel miles away before you hear it. Then when their right next to you, you can't even hear your own thoughts. Or how about school bells. I can honestly say I swear those have gotten louder. At my high school they actually made them louder until all of us that actually could hear complained. Or how about theaters. Some theaters sound systems are so amazing that everything just blasts. Oh how about those surround sound systems that everyone is buying. There are tons of other factors in here. Yes there are teens that listen to their mp3 player way too loud, but there are other noises that they can't control that they are bombarded with. I'm sure we'd also find out that TV has gotten louder over the past 10 years. I'm sure A/C's that were bought 10 years ago are now old and getting louder and louder so you have to turn things up to hear them. So pointing your finger at one thing doesn't solve the problem.
So if you never heard of the anime Darker Than Black then well youtube/veoh/google video it. It's a really good anime. I bring it up because the first opening they did was made specificly for the anime. You can tell because of the opening. So if you watch this video and say hmm that sounds interesting then you know what you must do. The band's name is Abigdon Boys School and the song is called Howling. Today's tip is if your going to double talk make sure not to do it on public records or to people that talk to each other.

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