Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love going to the gym

It always gives me something to talk about here I swear. Not to mention I'm really starting to see the results from going to a gym for just two months. So today my workout buddy was chatting with this girl I call Jen mainly because that's the name on her license plate. I didn't hear much of the conversation mainly because I had my headphones on and I went to the backroom. Well my buddy let me know what was said. Well it turns out that no one likes the trainers. My gym sponsored a Relay for Life team and one of the trainers headed the team. This is the trainer that is a pompous asshole. An hour into the relay he bows out. Claims he has so much stuff to do and is so busy that he has to leave. Everyone else finished but him. Now I have done a marathon before. You don't have anything set up that whole day because you know your doing this marathon or relay. So that told me that 1. he's out of shape and couldn't finish, but didn't want everyone to know or 2. he really didn't care and made sure he could bow out. Either way it's pathetic. They were also talking about guys that are so stuck in the past that they can't move on. That's this guy. He apparently use to compete in strongman competitions. I don't know if he ever won, but he's so stuck on it that it's so annoying. He is riding the "success" he had when he was in his 20's. In fact he doesn't even have another job. He leeches off his girlfriend and her family. In fact he's so stuck in his past that he started that world's strongest man/woman competition training. To push more people to think about it he has brought in a photo album of him doing the competition. Yeah that's exactly who people like having training them. They are so stuck in the past and looking at themselves that you'd end up hurt every time. I honestly can't stand the guy and sounds like no one else can.
So apparently there are no new studies to work on that they are coming out with studies that prove stuff that a majority of people know. I think I talked about this awhile ago, but there was a study that proved that lifting heavy weights isn't really needed to build muscle mass. I still remember this show that was called Total Lee Fit with Lee Haney. He was talking to someone that was on the show and said you can't expect to get big with no tweedledee weights. Oh how wrong he is. Lifting heavy weights just helps to reach muscle fatigue faster and that's what builds mass. Anyway there is this study that says drinking two glasses of water helps reduce weight. Now how this happens is by filling the stomach so that you get "full" faster. Yeah people already knew that. In fact on the today show the "health expert" they had admitted that she was wrong. She said it was an urban myth that was discounted even by her. Well you ask anyone that has anything to do with nutrition they will tell you that if you eat your meal then have a drink then you'll eat more, but be less hungry later. When you get the lap band or gastric bypass the doctor says don't drink and eat at the same time since your stomach is already tiny enough that any liquid will fill you up faster. Up next they are going to do a study on people who blog or keep a journal tend to have better mental health.
Oh update on that annoying vendor. Yeah he sent that information and called making sure we got it and apologized. Hmmm now I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I threatened to no longer buy the product from him. No that can't be it. Well good thing that I set his ass on fire because we actually need to re-order some more product. So very great. Oh and that information. Yeah nothing scientific about it. Just a bunch of talk.
Well I don't think it's a secret that I think teens nowadays are brats. Well this video proves it. To set up the clip this teen shouldn't be on the bus. Then when told she needs to get off she throws a fit. Calls up her mom and says the bus driver punched her. She claims that the bus driver grabbed her boobs. All stuff that was clearly false. Honestly I think the 15 year old got off too lightly with just community service. Today's tip is people can sense an arrogant person, so if no one goes near you then check yourself.

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