Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's going to be weird

So today I'm suppose to go to the bachelor party at the beach. Well looks like it's going to storm. So I texted him and am waiting to see what's going to happen with that part of it. If I don't hear anything I won't go to the beach part and just show up at the bar later. Kinda nervous about going since well I will be the odd man out. I'm 1. the youngest there and 2. known the groom the least amount of time. Yeah it's going to be weird. I honestly wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for the fact that the guy pretty much begged me to come.
Yesterday was a pretty damn good Friday. I've pretty much been spoiled when it comes to Fridays now. It was a very busy day at work. I had tons of good customers. I also got a good portion of down time. It was just a flat out good day. I like good days. Like I said I've been spoiled. Next week I have Friday off so I should be pretty relaxed. It also hit me that this month along with October there will be a Friday 13th. The funny thing about those days is that people expect the worst thing in the world to happen, yet nothing does. It really is just another day. If anything bad happens to you it's because your so paranoid about something happening that if something bad happens you chalk it up to the day.
Yeah this 750 word challenge is super hard on weekends. I really do have to plan this crap out. I never plan my blogs. It's kinda whatever I feel like talking about. It's sad because I have to actually act like I'm a writer. Needless to say that irritates me.
So what is the deal with these apple apps and crashing. So when I upgraded my Mega jump app it crashed and took like a week to get the new upgrade that actually works. Now my twitter app is crashing. So far no word about if a new upgrade is coming out or not. Now Echofon for twitter has an upgrade and I'm afraid to touch it. I'm tempted to wait a week. If it doesn't work then I have to delete it and re download it. Lucky for me it's a free app, but I hate having to do that especially since I only recently found out how to delete an app. Yeah I should have read the manual, but I didn't so sue me. I finally figured out how to do it though. Especially since I needed to delete the crap free apps I had.
Let's see what else has been going on. The guy above me has finally quieted down. Meaning the guy finally got laid. Every time he gets laid he is quiet up there for a little bit. Then as the week goes on his stomping gets louder until he gets laid again. Makes you wonder how any woman wants to be anywhere near him. Clearly he must be a good lay because his personality sure as hell needs work. I know it's hard to not make noise for the person below you, but the way he goes around it's obviously he doesn't care how much noise he makes or when he makes the noise. Not to mention I'm pretty sure that the police got involved with the last girlfriend. Pretty sure he abused her. I know one night I was getting ready to go to sleep and I heard this woman's voice. I couldn't tell if they were having sex or if he was hitting her and she was crying. I chalked it up to sex. I say that because she kept saying oh god oh god. Well some time later I saw that the police were at our apartment complex and apparently upstairs. After the police officer left he was talking to the guy next door to him saying he wants to get out of his lease. Well I found out that the reason he wants to get out of his lease early is because his new girlfriend lives in Minnesota. Which makes me believe that he was cheating on the ex. Like I said not a good guy.
So today I figured I'd post a video from TruTv's website. This one is a clip from Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest Competitions. This is during a Miss Brazil competition. In it drag queens compete to see who's the best. Well just watch it and find out what happens. Today's tip is when someone says this will only hurt for a second they are lying. It will be at least three.

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