Monday, August 16, 2010

They cycle begins yet again

It's Monday again which means the week begins again even though technically the start of the week is Sunday. That means I get to have fun with all those customers. Today just seemed like I lagged today. I got up to go workout and I was just tired. I then take my pre-workout and I'm still dragging. I then feel it working, but again I just felt lagging. So I then go through my leg workout and when I finished I was just tired. I felt light headed. Basically felt like how I should have felt after a total body workout. Now honestly I think what happened was that I added too much Waximaze today. Waximaze works to make the blood volume increase and well that requires more oxygen and if I was taking in deep enough breathes then that's why I got light headed. Plus I was working the legs which is this huge muscle group. So when I get home I'm just tired. My stomach just feels like it can't take in another thing. Yet I know I have to drink down my protein. Well eventually I get it down and take a shower and I felt better. So I'm just hoping the rest of the day goes better then this morning.
So those BP commercials are starting to annoy me. You know the ones where someone comes on and says they are in charge of the clean up effort. There are three of them. They all basically end the commercials the same. I grew up on the Gulf or my family lives on the Gulf and I vacation here every year or something along those lines. Basically it's a tactic to try to get people to think oh this person clearly cares about the cleanup. Maybe BP isn't so bad. Well honestly I think people are a lot smarter then I give them credit for (sometimes). I really think if people see that enough they make the connection and say hey wait a minute. I rather BP be honest. Show a guy who clearly is in charge that says I may not have grown up on the Gulf or have family hear, but I sure as hell want to clean up the mess for the future generations, or something that sounds more realistic. I mean the chances that 3 people in charge of some effort of cleanup that happen to have ties in with the Gulf. Come on. That means they were specifically hired so that when someone did a background check it would be legit. Then again BP is a PR nightmare. I just wish companies would be honest for once. I really think it would go over a lot better with people then pretending to care because we all know they don't as long as they are making money.
Imagine that you are forever stuck in 2009. What I mean is that no matter what you can not remember anything after 2009. How much would your life suck? Just knowing that no matter what you will never ever be able to remember past that year. All the friends you made, all the milestones you'll miss. I just can't imagine that. Well that's what one woman's life is like except she's stuck in 1994. That means she's stuck on everything from 1994. All the advances in technology, pop culture, and world events. It's like the movie 50 first dates. Now I saw that movie and yeah there were funny parts, but then I met someone who's memory really was that bad. I mean that movie now just isn't worth watching now that I know someone like that. Yeah the only way you can deal with it is to kinda laugh about it, but I just can't imagine actually going through day to day not being able to remember everything you did that day. Well not everything, but a good majority. I mean what if you had an awesome birthday party or your friend had a great wedding or even your own wedding. No matter what you'd never be able to remember it even with pictures. I will say that anyone that stays by your side when your like that is a true human being. They really do love and care about you. We can all only hope we find someone that would love and care about us enough to stay with us if something like that happened.
Today's tip is if you're buying something every week, but tell the clerk you don't need it, it's just for fun then yes you do really need it.

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