Wednesday, August 4, 2010

That's odd

So yesterday my boss pissed me off pretty good. Short version I was yelled at for not thinking about the money. Anyway I started to notice that hole in my heart feeling again. See I only get that when someone I trust pisses me off. A random stranger could piss me off all the want and I wouldn't get that feeling, but when a friend does it. I guess it's like a broken heart feeling. Granted I was angry and saddened by it. Anyway that's something I wish I could change about myself. I really hate that feeling, but in order to avoid it I can't get angry or sad. Yeah that's possible. I think it's because I hold things in all the time.
In other news I had a really annoying customer yesterday. He comes in and the first thing out of his mouth is what's new. Normally this wouldn't annoy me, but when I don't see you on a month to month basis I don't know what you have or haven't seen. As I'm about to say what's new he starts randomly picking up pre-workouts and starts "reading" them. So I softly say one new thing. He then asks if we have free samples. Something just told me do not give this guy free samples. So I said no we don't have any samples. These companies are stingy with their samples (which is true). He then again asks me what's new. Then again for more free samples. He then says not even of this one here. Except he actually named it. That signaled to me that he's been in before and got a sample of that one already. He then starts saying he's going to come back in later to get something he just doesn't have the money right now. He then asks if we have like a one serving thing we sell or something. He then goes to the cooler and picks up two drinks and compares them to the stuff we have on the shelf saying he thought that maybe we already had some pre-mixed. He then goes up to the counter and sees we have male enhancements. He says I see you have some here. I said those are male enhancements. He's like yeah the are pre-workouts. I said no those are for sex not for exercise. Who wants to workout with a boner all the time. He eventually leaves and my boss tells me that he gave him a bag of free samples in winter and the guy never showed up again. He was just looking for free samples and I did the right thing in not giving him any. Honestly it was because I was pissed at him that I was so stubborn in my choice.
Speaking of choices apparently Brett Farve is "retiring". Well we all saw that coming. The most annoying part of it though is that the Vikings are basically being bitches about it. They have bent over and basically said go ahead Farve. The coach is like well he didn't say it to me personally so I don't believe it and we'll keep a spot open for him. Ok first off you should have had someone ready to take his spot for 2 reasons. 1. in case he got injured and 2. for when he pulls this shit. See the vikings and fans give Farve way too much credit and power. If they were to act like they didn't care if he came back or not then he'd probably come back, but no you have centered your lives around him. You beg him to stay. You have centered your roster around him. I wouldn't be shocked if he waits until the moment training camps start to "retire". Move on people. He's just going to keep pulling the same shit over and over again because he knows it keeps him in the headlines. I wouldn't be shocked if he "retires" for a season then comes back the next season just to throw us all off. Like I've said before time and time again. I don't like Brett Farve. He's a farce. There are better players out there that won't retire every season then bitch and moan until they are on a team. So we'll see how it all plays out. I suspect that he's going to do what I said and "retire" for a season then come back expecting a hero's welcome. Vikings fans annoy me because they welcomed him and are swooning all over him to get him to stay. They should have said oh great the guy who quits every year. Then when he pulled his weight then say hey Brett love you to stay, but if you quit we'll find someone else. Like I said can't stand the guy.
So I've had Don't be Jealous of my Boogie stuck in my head for 3 days straight so while I was sending out an e-mail I had it playing on youtube. I noticed that there was another song from the previous season. Cover Girl (Put the Bass in Your Walk). It features the top 3 drag queens from the first season. Now I saw part of that season and it doesn't shock me that Bebe Zahara Benet and Nina Flowers were in the top 3. I think based off the fact that Bebe has a solo she won the whole thing. Oh wait I did see the finale. Anyway I think Bebe was the best of all the contestants. Plus she is the only contestant that had a real name. Nina Flowers. That's just trying too hard. The other was Rebecca Glasscock. Oh come on. Anyway it's a fun little video. Hope you enjoy. Today's tip is a good friend will encourage you to be crazy. A great friend will put a bucket helmet on with you.

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