Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What an odd morning

So I went to workout and guess who came in to workout. The gym manager. Now this is odd for several reasons. 1. She never works out in the morning with us. I've been there for a month now and this is the first time I've ever seen her in that early. 2. she doesn't have to be in until 10 and it was 6:45 when she came in. So that told me that she was in to check up on us. I don't know what she was looking for, but I know that's what it came down to. Maybe she does this from time to time to see who might be doing what. The thing is that no one is going to act like they would normally in front of the manager. The guys that sweat all over the machines and never wipe them will wipe while she's there then go back to not doing it when she leaves. Or they will re-rack the weights even though they never do that. Then the really annoying thing is she did what weight hog does which is the going from one machine to another exercise then back to the machine. Stay with one exercise for crying out loud. Other people would like to use the machine, but of course it gets worse. I happened to be wearing the gym's shirt I got for free. So great now I look like a suck up. Plus I was doing my leg workout which she also happened to be doing. I happened to have to sit next to her at the machine. So I now look like a suck up that has a crush on her. I hate that. This would have to be the day I would do a leg workout and wear the gym shirt I got. Just great.
The other thing that was annoying me is these ads that just lie to people. Just yesterday I flipped open a magazine and they had an ad for Celltech. For those of you that don't know what that is, Celltech is a creatine product. That means it's suppose to help you put on more mass. Well the picture showed a guy who was chunky, but you could tell he worked out then the after photo showed the "same guy" ripped to shreds. Yeah creatine products don't do that. If you take the product like you are suppose to then you will not go from flab to abs. You will go from flab to more flab. Creatine causes water retention, especially around the gut. You won't see veins on this guy. Plus you could tell that they put that coloring on him in the after photo. The sad part is that people looking at this stuff believe the before and after photos. They say oh the bodybuilders use it therefore it must be good, and just look at these before and after photos. The funny thing is when guys come in to ask about creatine they are shocked to learn that you are suppose to cycle it, or that it causes water retention and bloating, or plays havoc with your digestive system, or that it has to be loaded. That usually makes them not want it anymore. I was reading it and it said this one guy gained 21 lbs of lean muscle after being on Celltech for 14 weeks. Yeah that's bullshit. 1. No one can be on a creatine for that long and not feel the negative side effects. 2. That "lean muscle" is not from the creatine. Creatine is not lean muscle. Creatine "muscle gain" is more like each muscle cell is holding more water to give the appearance of "lean muscle". So like I said it's just bullshit and I see person after person buy into it. If people would just do research on products they'd see through all the smoke and mirrors.
Yesterday I had a series of 3 customers in a row that just rubbed me the wrong way. The first guy was using the bar code scanner app on his phone to compare prices. Yeah that didn't piss me off. The next guy was a know it all. People like that make it really hard to help them. Plus he was a bragger. He mentions he was in prison so he did a lot of reading. He apparently wants to be a personal trainer. Yeah he's not someone you'd trust with your body. He apparently told my boss that he was in prison for a sexual crime. My boss handled it better then I would have. I would have said alright and not talked him unless he talked to me. Honestly if he didn't show up again I would not cry myself to sleep at night. While this was going on this guy comes in and the first words out of his mouth are "they got a pill for everything." Yeah that goes over well. He then asked if we had a pill to increase appetite. Just fyi there is such a pill. I said no we don't have a pill like that. Really? There is a pill for everything, but not one for that. So I just rebutted with with obesity as high as it is there isn't really much call for that. I would have showed him the weight gaining proteins but well he clearly wasn't going to buy anything and know it all was over by them. Yep if I don't ever see those three again I will be hurt in the least.
Today's tip is don't piss off store clerks. They can make your shopping quick and easy or a hassel. Plus they know all the deals.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Yep my week begins all over again. Pretty soon my b-day will be a month away and I still have no clue what in the world I'm doing for it. I mean the sad part is that I hinted to that co-worker of mine that my b-day is on the 1st of October, but of course he didn't bite. Figured he at least get something going. Might just end up sitting at home or going to get a new tattoo. Meh got almost a month to figure it out.
So I just now realized I haven't done something positive with my blog. I do a lot of complaining, but I actually haven't congratulated some people that really deserve it. The people I'm talking about are those everyday people that get up out of bed to go walking. The people that have a weight bench and some dumbbells in their basement. The people that said I'm taking charge of my life. I'm going to lose this weight. Those people really don't get the encouragement they deserve. It's so easy to jump on a bandwagon when someone has lost 50 lbs and say oh wow you look so good. How many of us actually acknowledge that someone is actually taking the right steps to begin losing that 50 lbs. How many of us say wow are you starting to lift weights. I can tell your starting to fill out. I'll tell you how many of us do. 1 in 100. Ok it may not be that low, but not a lot of us do it. Yeah now I'm starting to hear from my friends yeah you look like you've put on a lot of weight or wow you look huge. Now granted they haven't seen me recently because they are back in Texas and I'm in Wisconsin and it's not like I take a photo of me everyday to post on facebook, but honestly it would have made this a whole lot better. It's so easy for people to get discouraged. Every small bit of encouragement helps. Keeps people going on the right path. Plus when someone tells you they lost 5 lbs or even 2 lbs congratulate them. Tell them they are on the right path. They are making the right steps. That will keep them going until they hit that goal.
Alright back to my ranting. Yeah the people that workout on Sundays at my gym are jerks. They always leave the weights out or don't put stuff back the way they should. I go to the back and there is a mat just laying there along with a barbell that still has weights attached to it. How do you do that. How do you not put the weights back where they belong. I mean I understand if you need to go pee or if you are going to wipe down the bench then put up the weights. That makes sense. Now obviously this person isn't getting injured every time, and if they are then clearly they need to stop working out. I mean I don't want the gym to have to hire someone to just stand back there and make people re-rack weights because that means I have to pay more per month. Just wish people would have the common decency to simply put the weights back after they are done. Forgetting as you move to another exercise is one thing, but leaving them in a spot where you can clearly see you left them is another.
The other annoying thing I see is people who blindly elect officials. There is a guy who represents my county in the state capitol and he has gotten in trouble for taking money out of a government trust and using it to repair the stadium for the minor league team he owns. He claims he has returned the money. Now we find out it's actually double what was originally thought. Ok I don't care if he returned the money. I care that he took in the first place. I know the only reason why he admitted it is because someone caught him and if he didn't he'd be thrown out of office. Yet I still see signs for him in people's yards. Why do you want a man who took money to keep his job. Don't re-elect him. Then again these are the same people that say Nixon was a great president and did nothing wrong, but that Clinton did something unforgivable. Let's see Nixon resigned and had to be pardoned. Clinton was impeached, faced trial, and was found innocent. Hmmm I wonder which one did something that was unforgivable. This blind voting is what got us into the mess in congress. They let officials that have not done what the people say keep their jobs. Vote them out. I don't care if a guy is a Democrat or Republican. If he took government money then he is not to be trusted and should be thrown out of office.
I'm sure you all have heard California Gurl by Katy Perry. Well that song has been in my head since this morning at the gym. Plus I saw The Wiz yesterday and it reminded me of this music video. Anyway so enjoy. Today's tip is if you are already talking about Halloween stuff then clearly you don't understand the order of the months. It's not even a month away.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Well that Saturday sucked

It sucked because of the annoying city I live in. So after the whole gym thing I decide to go home. Yeah apparently that wasn't going to happen. My usual way was blocked off. So I go down and try to get on the main road. Nope that's blocked off. Turns out there was a parade going on. Yeah thanks for the heads up. How about leaving a letter in people's mail telling them what roads will be cut off and when. So basically if I hadn't gotten lucky in finding a place where the cones had just been removed then I would have to back track to the gym and take the long way out. Man it pissed me off to no end. They basically made the city a maze and I don't know the city well enough to get where I need to go if the main way is blocked off. Thanks a lot.
The other annoying thing is stomper (the guy above me) finally moved out. Now yes it's a good thing that he moved out, but of course he couldn't move out without causing a fuss. At one point he was yelling at his girlfriend outside. There was also him talking very loudly to a guy right outside my window. I swear he had a saw going up there because I just heard this buzzing noise and when I went outside to see if it was on the side of the building there was nothing. Then he had to loudly run up and down the stairs. Well the plus side is he is all moved out and I won't have to see or hear him again. He left his window shade open so when my room mate went up there he saw that the place looked empty. Now the big deal is hoping that the people that move in after him will be better. Hopefully it's just one person that doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend that constantly comes over and stomps around.
So this neighbor that lives a few doors down asked to take his scooter out for a ride. Now he's let her ride it before and she then talks his arm off about how she is going to get one in october when her social security check comes in and that it made her feel so free and alive and blah blah. Well this last time she ws gone for like an hour. Now my room mate is a really caring person. So after like 10 minutes he started getting worried. Then by the time 30 minutes rolled by he went into the apartment got changed and was getting ready to get out to look for her. He figured she fell and hurt herself. He wasn't worried so much about the scooter. Well before he goes out she comes scooting along. My room mate is of course pissed at this point. He's not a guy that gets pissed very easily. He asked her where she had been and she said she just took it for a spin. Well he locked it up and was kinda short with her and went into the apartment. Well a short time later she catches up with him and says she hopes he's not mad and doesn't trust her. She stopped to talk to a friend. He said I thought you were hurt. Well then at another conversation they had turns out that she in fact went to a garage sale. See now that's not right. You are on someone else's vechicle and you said you were going to take it for a short spin. You have your own car that you could use if you really needed to go see what's there. I don't know what's wrong with people. If your borrowing something you are suppose to be extra careful with it. Ugh....people.
So this clip is um...yeah let's go with violent. Yet it's still funny. You know those girls that think they are hot stuff when it comes to dancing, but we all know they have no buisness on the dance floor. Well this woman is one of those type. Plus I think you'll also notice she's the lightest person in the group. Now I don't know what made the guys flip out like they did, but it just gets mean. I mean they are basically wrestling with her. Well needless to say she was dropped down a few pegs because when she left she looked ready to cry. Maybe that was an actual dance that happens. Who knows. Anyway today's tip is when borrowing something try not to blow it up. People don't like their stuff blown up.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


It's Saturday and it's my day off. Yeah that's pretty much all I got. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had so much stuff to do. Plus it was a really slow day. I was just bored most of the time. I hate being bored obviously. I'm 21 years old. I hate being bored.
Yesterday I worked alone which meant that anyone that wanted to talk to the owner would have to settle for me. That usually leads to a lot of oh I'll just come back or call back later. Yep that's exactly what happened. Yeah not fun at all. It is very annoying. Why can't they just talk to me. Maybe I can answer your question which in most cases is the case. Just annoys the hell out of me.
On the plus side the guy that lives above me clearly is moving out. FINALLY! That man is the most annoying person I can think of. He stomps around I swear just to piss me and my room mate off. Then once his girlfriend shows up he makes sure to step very lightly. Plus I'm pretty sure he beat his ex-girlfriend. The police were inovled when she was moving out. Only a matter of time until the new girlfriend sees his true personality. I mean come on. He clearly can tread softly, but chooses not to whenever she's not around. The dude is hiding something. I don't like him.
So this challenge is really hard when I haven't seen the news or nothing interesting happen. 750 words is very hard when you are doing it every day. On the plus side it's almost Septemeber which means I don't have to worry about how long my blogs are.
I was saving this for tomorrow, but clearly I have to do this rant today if I want to hit my mark. So I was at the gym today and came across yet another person that didn't wipe down the machine they used. Not only that, but he did the most annoying thing. He'd be at a machine. Do a few reps then he'd get up and walk around for like 2 minutes. Then he'd change the weight and then do it all over again. Now he was on the machine that was in clear view of the wipes. Now I had grabbed the wipes twice to wipe down the machine. HE GOT UP AND WENT TO THE BACK WITHOUT EVER WIPING HIS MACHINE! Ok people here let me state this for all the people that have seen this and never wanted to speak up. WIPE YOUR GOD DAMN MACHINES EVERYTIME YOU FINISH! Stop being a fucking asshole and wipe the god damn machines after you finish. No one wants to clean up after you. So simple wipe your sweat off the machine and do everyone a favor. We don't want to catch the germs you have. We don't want to lay down and feel this wet spot. And it's not just the young pompous guys that are doing it. I swear every old person I've seen go in there doesn't wipe down the machine. Especially the women. Ok that whole women don't sweat the glow is utter bullshit. WOMEN YOU SWEAT SO WIPE THE GOD DAMN MACHINES! I know I'm not the only person that is annoyed by this. I swear if I ever have a gym I will have strict rules. If my trainers don't have people wipe their machines or re-rack the weights they are gone. I will say if you are caught not wiping the machine or re-racking the weight there will be a penalty. I'm not saying that you can't forget once and then go back to wipe. That happens to me sometimes. I'm talking about the people that clearly see everyone else doing it and choose not to. Ugh and I could see the sweat dripping off this guy. Ugh just so annoying.
It's no shock that I'm a fan of abridged series. I think it's one thing to abridge a series, but another thing to abridge it and make it funny. It's a lot harder then we may think. The people that do these make jokes within their shows. They are truly good. This is an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. The person that did this series also works with Team Four Star on DBZ abridged. It's no shock why he works with Team Four Star. In fact I think he's their editor along with the voice of Krillin. Anyway I think a lot of you will like this. Especially if you like Yu Yu Hakusho. Today's tip is some people in this world are jerks. It's just a fact of life.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Well I'm going to be busy

Today I'm all by myself which usually means that everyone comes in that wants to talk to the owner and has to settle for talking to me. Plus I have some products I should probably get to ordering. Yeah it's going to be a push today.
Speaking of today guess what I found.
Found my icon in the mosaic of @KatyPerry made by @todayshow.... on Twitpic Yep that is me in a mosaic of Katy Perry that was made by the Today Show for their summer Concert Series. As you can tell I'm super excited about it. Never been part of a mosaic picture before. Not to mention it came out really good. I will say I was kinda worried because when I first went on there there were a few icons here and there, but most of it was black. Clearly a lot more people signed up after me. Hope the Today Show gives her a copy of it as a poster.
Anyway getting back to my normal rant and rave mode...sort of, why do people insist on letting their dogs roam around in the car. I can honestly say I only saw that a few times in Texas. Here everyone seems to do that. This guy behind me was tailgating me. Then when I look in my rear view mirror I see this huge black dog and HE'S PETTING IT! Dude you are riding my bumper and you are going to turn around and pet your dog. What if I stop all of a sudden? You now just rammed into me and your dog is now thrown into the windshield. He'd then try to blame me for it of course. Yeah no one would see it as my fault. Then there was a dog I saw one day while coming home from work in a guys rear view window. It was a tiny dog, but imagine if they got into a wreck or had to stop suddenly. That dog is now a projectile with tons of force. Just seems like if you loved your dog you'd 1. Make sure that your dog was restrained in the car or 2. if your going to have your dog out free you'd drive a lot more carefully.
In other news apparently my tip of the day made someone I know think of someone else I know. She responds saying oh that reminds me of [insert name here]. Now the thing with [insert name here] is she's right. He is an arrogant prick. This asshole drew a penis (several times mind you) on my dry erase board. Then when confronted he said he did it to just let guys know they could come by my place anytime. Then when you called him a homophobe he basically did the argument for not being a racist. He says my cousin is gay. Anyway over the year that I knew him he started to fall more and more out of favor with everyone in the group. Then as if he didn't make matters bad enough for himself he then posted my name on a site where trolls love to go. He then posted racist and homophobic stuff. So when I called him out about it and said I was going to the campus administration he quickly took it down and wrote me an apology. Yeah I still have it. Anyway he really proves what my tip yesterday said. People sense arrogance and it turns them off. They slowly draw away from it. Probably why he couldn't ever get a girlfriend and jumped from crush to crush.
In other rant related news I was watching world's dumbest and I saw a video that made me just get up in arms. I was going to post it here, but it's not up on the site. Or it is and I can't find it. So for his 16th birthday this kid gets a truck. Now I'll admit it was a pretty beat up truck with stuff spray painted on it. So when the kid sees it he's like I don't like it. Great your trying to make me look like a poor loser bitch (too late). He then gets a bat and starts swinging at the truck. When the dad tries to stop him he threateningly lifts up the bat as if he's going to hit him. Wow how much of a spoiled brat is this kid. And like attacking it with a bat is going to solve your problems. If anything it will make the truck look worse. Now I think the parents shouldn't have let it go on as long as it did. Anyway I was just shocked that someone would do that. If that was my kid oh he'd so be beyond punished. I don't care if it's your birthday you will not act like that especially when it's a gift. I mean I would say alright you get no car period. You were worried about looking like a poor bitch before oh that will be heaven compared to now. You now have to be driven everywhere by me or your mom. That is after you finished being grounded. Oh and now you have to get a job to pay for all the damages you made. Man I would have never gotten away with that crap.
So I'm still in the mood to point out the annoyance I have with the younger generation (great sound like an old man). This is another clip from World's Dumbest. Just watch it. The reaction of the mom is priceless. It's sad that clearly this has happened before. Today's tip is if you apologize then later say you regret apologizing because it made you look like a liar which you say your not then your an idiot.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love going to the gym

It always gives me something to talk about here I swear. Not to mention I'm really starting to see the results from going to a gym for just two months. So today my workout buddy was chatting with this girl I call Jen mainly because that's the name on her license plate. I didn't hear much of the conversation mainly because I had my headphones on and I went to the backroom. Well my buddy let me know what was said. Well it turns out that no one likes the trainers. My gym sponsored a Relay for Life team and one of the trainers headed the team. This is the trainer that is a pompous asshole. An hour into the relay he bows out. Claims he has so much stuff to do and is so busy that he has to leave. Everyone else finished but him. Now I have done a marathon before. You don't have anything set up that whole day because you know your doing this marathon or relay. So that told me that 1. he's out of shape and couldn't finish, but didn't want everyone to know or 2. he really didn't care and made sure he could bow out. Either way it's pathetic. They were also talking about guys that are so stuck in the past that they can't move on. That's this guy. He apparently use to compete in strongman competitions. I don't know if he ever won, but he's so stuck on it that it's so annoying. He is riding the "success" he had when he was in his 20's. In fact he doesn't even have another job. He leeches off his girlfriend and her family. In fact he's so stuck in his past that he started that world's strongest man/woman competition training. To push more people to think about it he has brought in a photo album of him doing the competition. Yeah that's exactly who people like having training them. They are so stuck in the past and looking at themselves that you'd end up hurt every time. I honestly can't stand the guy and sounds like no one else can.
So apparently there are no new studies to work on that they are coming out with studies that prove stuff that a majority of people know. I think I talked about this awhile ago, but there was a study that proved that lifting heavy weights isn't really needed to build muscle mass. I still remember this show that was called Total Lee Fit with Lee Haney. He was talking to someone that was on the show and said you can't expect to get big with no tweedledee weights. Oh how wrong he is. Lifting heavy weights just helps to reach muscle fatigue faster and that's what builds mass. Anyway there is this study that says drinking two glasses of water helps reduce weight. Now how this happens is by filling the stomach so that you get "full" faster. Yeah people already knew that. In fact on the today show the "health expert" they had admitted that she was wrong. She said it was an urban myth that was discounted even by her. Well you ask anyone that has anything to do with nutrition they will tell you that if you eat your meal then have a drink then you'll eat more, but be less hungry later. When you get the lap band or gastric bypass the doctor says don't drink and eat at the same time since your stomach is already tiny enough that any liquid will fill you up faster. Up next they are going to do a study on people who blog or keep a journal tend to have better mental health.
Oh update on that annoying vendor. Yeah he sent that information and called making sure we got it and apologized. Hmmm now I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I threatened to no longer buy the product from him. No that can't be it. Well good thing that I set his ass on fire because we actually need to re-order some more product. So very great. Oh and that information. Yeah nothing scientific about it. Just a bunch of talk.
Well I don't think it's a secret that I think teens nowadays are brats. Well this video proves it. To set up the clip this teen shouldn't be on the bus. Then when told she needs to get off she throws a fit. Calls up her mom and says the bus driver punched her. She claims that the bus driver grabbed her boobs. All stuff that was clearly false. Honestly I think the 15 year old got off too lightly with just community service. Today's tip is people can sense an arrogant person, so if no one goes near you then check yourself.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hmm good day yesterday

Yesterday was a darn good day. Not only because I found out that I had less body fat then originally thought, but because it was one of those days when I saw a lot of people, but didn't feel like I was overwhelmed. I actually thought the sales weren't as high as they were. I just felt good all day. Just positive all around. Ok well not all around.
I don't know what the deal is with vendors. They do everything they can to get you to get their products then when you decide yeah this is a good product and have some questions they never answer you. We brought in this new product which a lot of guys liked then they decided to change it up on us. So we got samples of that and it sounds like we were going to bring in the new stuff, then we heard they are adding a new ingredient. So we asked for samples of this and literature on why they were adding it. The guy said it's the best stuff out there and has a university study to back it up. So I asked for this information. 3 weeks ago. He promised he was sending out samples and going to get us the information. Well yesterday he sends this e-mail saying this stuff is now in and if you have any questions or need information on this product e-mail me. So I did pointing out that he promised me samples and this information 3 weeks ago. Well needless to say he hasn't e-mailed me back so I called him. Shockingly I got his voicemail. Yeah hasn't called back. I even made sure he had an incentive to call back to. Threatened to not carry the product anymore. Well that's what's going to happen if when we want information we can't get a hold of him. Now imagine if we wanted to place an order. We don't want to spend 3 weeks trying to order it. I think it's that he doesn't have this information and doesn't have the backbone to admit he lied about having it or sending out the samples. Not having samples or information doesn't annoy me nearly as much as claiming you do and claiming you are sending it out or will send it out and I have to wait 3 weeks and still get nothing. It really pisses me off and that means no business for you.
This reminds me that I have a few customers I'm very leery about recommending stuff for. Mainly because if something doesn't work they will blame me. 9 times out of 10 it's because of something they do. I had one person say that the product caused him to go into a deep depression. Yeah there is nothing in a product we sell that would cause depression as a side effect. I would know if that was the case since I took the product before. Clearly something else was going on and he just blamed the product. Well I bring this up because that's one of the types of people I had to deal with yesterday. You see this guy is friends with the guy that claimed that the product I recommended caused him to go to the emergency room then to my face said it was the pizza he ate. Well the friend that came in is older then this guy. He pushes himself like he's this younger guy. He wants to take everything he's taking. In fact the owner tried to help him before and tried to steer him away from a product with heavy creatine. Well since his friend was taking it he was taking it. Well he goes to the doctor and his creatine levels are high so he couldn't take creatine for a long time and of course blamed the owner. So we are both gun shy in recommending anything to him. Well he comes in and says he wants to try a new pre-workout. Now I have to take his age into account whenever I recommend something. I also have to take into account that if his friend didn't like it then he won't like it. Well I showed him two products and then he kinda tricked me into mentioning a product that I like. Now Xpand Xtreme goes over really well with some guys, but makes other sick. I warned him several times that I didn't recommend the product because it's so intense and tends to make guys sick. Well he kept pushing and pushing so I made sure he added some waximaze to it to try to keep him from getting sick. Something tells me I'm going to get blamed for "pushing it" onto him if he gets sick or it doesn't do what he wants it to do. Lucky for me the owner was in the backroom and heard everything so he of course will back me up if he comes in when I'm not there saying it made him sick.
Today's tip is people forget how honesty can be helpful or hurtful. It can be the difference between a warning, a ticket, and having a roommate named Bubba.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today is going to be interesting

I say that just because of how it started. It's was a cold morning, the high is no where near what it was last week and there is a guy that is doing the consultation today. So yeah should be fun.
One thing that annoys me is when guys come in and they honestly don't know what they want. Two guys yesterday were really confusing. They both kinda said the same thing. They want to get bigger, but they want to be lean. Now that may sound easy enough, but it makes it hard to get the right product for them. Not to mention they actually did a double talk. They'll say they wanted to get big, but then say no I want to lean out and get defined, but when you ask if they want to get that lean defined look they said no. Yeah makes it really hard to get them the right product. Now the first guy was a teen so that makes sense that he was that confusing. He was talking to my boss first and based on what he told my boss it sounded like he needed a mass gaining protein which is my expertise. Then the more we talked the more it sounded like no this is actually not the product for you. Then it got worse because the mother was there and yes she was trying to get him to listen, but of course that wasn't helping. Well eventually we got him something that we think will help and be better then the Nitrotech he wanted. Then again doesn't take much to be better then that product. Then the other guy has been in before. He was looking at the pro hormone we had and wanted to get it. As we were talking I wasn't convinced that it was the way to go just yet. Then he kept pushing it. So as we were looking at it and I was listening to what he wanted I figured the one for lean muscle was a better fit. Well again there was this double talk. He wants to lean out, but he wants to gain muscle, but he doesn't want to look like a college football player. Then he was worried that it was going to cause him to lose muscle which is not even close to the case with these products. He was worried that it would make him look like a cyclist or a swimmer. So me and my boss spent 10 minutes trying to convince him this was the right product for him. Makes you wonder how he ever makes any type of decision.
The other annoying thing that happened yesterday was that my cable, internet, and facebook were having issues. I was on my facebook app on my iPhone when suddenly I was logged out. As I tried to log back in it said couldn't connect to facebook so I got worried that someone was trying to hack my account and got it. It actually happened before, but no harm was done. Least none I found. So I go online and it's going really sluggish. At the same time the cable channel kept going in and out so I figured it must just be the channel and when I turned it I had the same problem. So I'm freaking out because I think my account is being hacked and I can't go on the web to check. Well I could, but it was saying that my account won't be available for hours because of site maintenance. Then all at once everything seemed to start working again. Wish things would freak out one at a time then I won't have a big break down.
Now back to my common sense rant. What is it with people and not wanting to use common sense. So at my gym they had managed to correctly re-rack the weights from lightest to heaviest. Today it's already being screwed up. A 40lb bar is at the top. Now I know what happens. I'm sure it's the arrogant trainer doing it. He has an issue with re-racking weights, wiping down things, or well watching a person. So I'm sure what happen is someone was working out using the 20 lb weight. He made a guy or girl use the 40 lb weight. Then when they were finished just threw it up at the top. Now wouldn't common sense tell you that maybe you should put the 40 lb weight back where you found it. Obviously someone using the lighter weights will have an easier time putting it back on top then someone using a heavier weight trying to put it back on top. These are the same people that would let their children go fishing by themselves and walk there on the highway. Yes I actually saw this on my way to work. With all the crap that you hear about kids being abducted why would you let your kids walk on their own, on the highway, to fish by themselves. That's great parenting. Or the people that rent a Uhaul trailer by the day and just sit on it for 2 days after they finished moving their stuff. Yes again I saw this happen. There is still a Uhaul trailer in the back of my apartment building that someone used to move their stuff on Sunday. Now I looked at the license plate and I'm pretty sure the person that was moving was a college student who drove up with his dad from Illinois. So again why not just drop off the trailer if you're going to stay a few days. That way you can get your deposit back. Again just a problem with common sense.
On a lighter not I found out I'm not as fat as I once thought. Well let me rephrase that. I don't have as much body fat as I thought I did. You see I use the Jackson & Pollock 3-site method to measure my body fat. It was getting so hard to measure the body fat on my thigh that we just put down 2 mm for my fat there for 8 months basically. Well turns out that I actually had less body fat there then that. We just tried to take it again and well There was like no fat to pinch on my thigh. So I changed the measurement to 1 mm since that sounds pretty accurate considering you can barely pinch it. That dropped my body fat from 7.09% to 6.78%. That makes my Lean Body Mass 16.08 lbs more then when I started instead of 15.57. Hard to believe that changing the body fat on my thigh by 1 mm could change everything that much. I guess if you weigh all the measurements the waist measurement counts the most and chest counts the least, because I actually have more fat on my chest then I did last month, but my body fat went down and that's because my waist body fat went down. Funny how that all works.
Today's tip is if your going to let your children walk on the highway by themselves to fish alone in the rain then clearly you should have never bred.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Well my day is going good.

Yep I found out that my weight went up and bodyfat went down. So as you can imagine I'm super happy. I finally passed the 162 mark without having to go on vacation. So of course that makes me all happy. I've been trying to get my weight up. Now if I can keep getting it up I'd be happy. The shocking part is even though I am now 23 lbs heavier then I was and my body fat went down about 1% and yet my body fat weight went down. It's kinda shocking. Goes against what you would think. Well I'm tickled pink. Pretty much everything went up except the shoulders which went down a smidge, but that could be because we were having trouble with my shoulders. Then again when I was getting measured last time either I did a back workout or an arm workout. So I decided to check to see how symmetrical I am. Yeah I'm all over the place. My upper body is under and my legs are over. The funny thing is my legs seem smaller to me. Seems like my upper body is bigger then my lower body. Well guess I was wrong on that. That's a good thing.
So yesterday I was talking to my room mate about how my co-worker wants to get another tattoo. He has 5 or 6 now. Anyway so as I was watching family guy he was reading his horoscope. He then goes into the Chinese zodiac signs and noticed the Chinese symbols for each animal. So he jokingly said hey we should get our Chinese zodiac symbols tattooed on our right arms. Then the more I thought about it the better of an idea it sounds. I mean I have the western zodiac symbol on my left arm. Why not put my Chinese one on my right. Then I was thinking some more that maybe I should put the symbol for Earth on my back. I guess I'm starting to get addicted to tattoos. I mean a year ago the one on my right arm was enough. Now I'm talking about getting 2 more. Funny how things happen as you get older. Well at least these two won't hurt as much or take as long or cost as much. Least I hope not. I guess it depends on of course on the artist and how big I want to make it.
Well now that I've gotten my workout plan all set up I can't really wait to try it out. I think it's going to be the thing that really helps get me more muscle weight. Plus I think Anavol might actually be helping. I don't know since it's I've also been taking other products recently. For example I'm back on Xpand Xtreme which was one I believe I was taking when my body fat levels dropped a lot. I'm also taking Kre-Alkalyn which I kinda recently started. I did start it last month, but those were samples and I liked what it was doing so I bought a bottle. So maybe it was all three of those things working. Oh wait forgot waximaze. That's another one that could explain the recent increase in muscle mass. Waximaze and Xpand Xtreme lead to better pumps which leads to more muscle growth. So depending on what happens next month. Then again I want to try this anabolic that I gained 3 lbs of pure muscle on. Actually it was 3.91 lbs and I gained 3.46 lbs. So I'm going to give it another shot. Hopefully it works a whole lot better. We've had guys come in saying they really saw an increase. I'd like to see that increase that's for sure.
So this week is going to be an interesting one. Tomorrow I won't be able to blog until later or I'll have to try to write a short one that hits 750 words before the back room is off limits. Then the rest of the is going to be crazy. I do know that I might have to come in on Saturday when I'm suppose to have that day off making it hard for me to get a hair cut. Well I guess if I get it done early enough then I'll be ok. Not like it takes me too long to get my hair cut.
Today's tip is don't play with lions if you mind a few scratches and teeth marks.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day off came and went

So yesterday was my day off and it's now gone. Honestly it was a pretty dull day off. Then again I never do anything on my day off because well there's nothing to do. I mean I don't know a lot of people around the city so it's not like I can hang out with someone. I don't go drinking for the reasons I mentioned in this blog earlier. So yeah I usually stay home and complain about how I have nothing to do. I dropped by the store to say hi to my co-worker. That and ask him if he wanted to do an upcoming event for the store. Per usual he had no preference what so ever. I decided to hang around since one he was clearly bored and two I was clearly bored. So we talked for awhile. I learned that he broke his toe sometime during the bachelor party and didn't feel it. Shocking since he was drunk. Well getting there when I left him. Also learned that not going to the bar part I was planning to go to was actually a good thing. The guys apparently went to a restaurant ate and drank. Then got to the bar and grill and drank. Then got to the strip club and yes drank. So I said oh clearly that would have been fun watching you guys get drunk. He retorts with one of his friends didn't get drunk and had fun. So I finished his statement and said yeah watching you guys get drunk. Then he said something else that also fit the whole watching you guys get drunk. He knew I was right so he just chuckled. I also learned that the reason why one of his friends hadn't heard about our new pre-workout is because he went all traitor. What I mean is that he shopped somewhere else to get his pre-workout instead of our store. You have to know my co-worker to understand why that is such a big deal. He is a very loyal guy. He only goes to places where he knows someone that works there. I was listening to what he told his friend and I felt bad and I didn't do anything. Well I don't go shopping where his soon to be wife works, but that's because their crap is over priced and they don't have the stuff I like. On a somewhat related note I must say I can not take diuretics. This is related because apparently my co-worker took a cycle of them for his party at the beach. Now let me explain why I can't take these products. You see they purge water from your system to make your skin stick tighter to your muscles. Or to help with that water weight during that time of the month. Anyway for two... no make that three Saturday's in a row I have gotten headaches. There are only two reasons why I get headaches. Ok three reasons. 1. I haven't been drinking enough water throughout the day. 2. I took a male enhancement. 3. I'm sick. Now needless to say I can really only control 2 of those three. A diuretic would lead to so many headaches for me. My co-worker admitted that he thinks that's the major reason why his migraine started up. Headaches and vomited are signs of dehydration. Now I will admit I do take a diuretic, but it's not like the one that my co-worker too. The one I take is waximaze which is a complex carb that takes water from underneath the skin. Plus you don't have to cycle it. Now the reason why I never get headaches from taking waximaze is because it actually forces me to drink more water. It leaves this very dry taste in your mouth that usually gets you to drink tons of water. Plus it has me peeing a lot since it took the water into my blood stream and whenever I have to pee I drink a glass of water. On Saturday's I don't take waximaze so I honestly don't drink enough water throughout the day leading to headaches. I get snippy when I get headaches. Especially because I know it's because I wasn't drinking enough water. Those are the most annoying headaches.
So don't ask me why, but I remember the show Princess Gwenever and the Jewel Riders. The song just suddenly started playing in my head. Don't judge. Anyway it was one of those popular shows. It was the big thing with girls like Double Dragons was the big thing for guys. Anyway if you want another blast from your past then check out this video. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of the placebo. I once saw one lift a car of a baby.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lot to do

So yesterday I got a lot done. Well a lot of what I wanted to do. I finally got a workout plan set up. I also learned quite a few things. The first being that when that trainer put RDL he meant Roman Deadlifts. When I was searching for some good excerises I saw it in the training notebook. I thought oh that's a good excerise to do. Then as I was reading how to do it I thought hmm this sounds familiar. So then I looked at my sheet and I made the connection. Omg that's what RDL stands for.
The other thing I learned is the fact that I can finally do squats. Well still need to work on my form, but I sure as hell am doing better then when I first tried to do squats. It may sound like a small thing, but squats are one of thos excerises that is great for packing on the muscle since it requires tons of muscle groups. That means that testosterone goes through the roof and as a result it can help increase muscle mass with all the free flowing testosterone. It was in a book I read. Doing that along with dead lifts.
As a result of me mentioning the word Deadlift I was sent a tweet about how deadlifts are tough but worth it. Well the guy has an article about some of the best excerises to help build muscle. I will say that it does make some good points. As a result I think I'm going to add the link to my links. Besides they will come in handy if I change my routine again. It's always good to have a list of possible excerises. Change in a routine can help whenever you hit a plateau. Plus you might find excerises that work better.
Today I have to go by work to ask the my co-worker if he wants to go to this event more then I do. I don't know I just get the feeling he's hurt that my boss didn't ask him. The only reason why I'm going is because I was right there when it came up. This guy has been with the company a lot longer then me. I mean it feels wrong not to at least ask him right? Besides if it comes up I can go say I was going to the bank to make a deposit. Plus I'm sure he's bored out of his mind. Saturday isn't exactly the busiest day. The only annoying thing is that when I go there there will be a lot of talking. He's a story teller. He spends a lot of time talking. Oh and I guess I should have something set up. He's the one that invited me to the very boring bachelor party and I better make sure I have something set up in case he asks. Don't want to give a face to show that I was bored out of my mind.
Yesterday was a pretty good day customer wise. In fact I ran into a customer that goes to the same gym I go to. Well apparently there is also another guy at my gym that comes in too. That's how this guy came in. He said that the guy at the gym was shaking something up. Said he got it from our store and that it works. Of course he didn't remember the name. I hate when guys take a pre-workout and don't remember the name. He just told him it was in an orange container. Well thinking about it maybe what I was thinking of wasn't what the guy was taking. Well anyway I really connected with the guy on a few levels. 1. we go to the same gym. 2. I got him samples of stuff that actually works and explained why they work well. 3. I actually treated him like a person which our competitors can't say. Plus we have lower prices. A lot of guys have been coming in saying that. Maybe luck is changing and we are going to be getting really big really fast. I mean the owner is a great guy and I really do my best because I can't imagine the store having to close up. There are tons of people that would be affected.
Today's tip is Make sure that if you let someone know you have to pee that you're not holding an empty cup. Sends the wrong impression.

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a year.

One year ago I moved up here to Wisconsin to work. I have honestly had an up and down year. More ups then downs that's for sure. I can't believe how much I've learned or how many people I really have helped so many people. It really did open my eyes to a lot of things. I think I've matured quite a lot in that year. Honestly I've also learned a lot about athletes and how hard it is to not try to cheat. Especially when it comes to Bodybuilding. There is so much bullshit that goes around with that sport. For example. I got this book from work called Get the Pump. It seemed like a pretty straight forward book. I opened it and read that this book was going to cut through the bs and fillers in others books and get you the facts. Well when a book says they are going to do that they usually mean they will drop the other bs and add it's own. The book wouldn't come out and say it, but it was clearly a book from the makes of Muscletech. All the supplements they mentioned were Muscletech supplements. They didn't say hey get a supplement that does this. No it was buy this product. They said they'd give you the exercise to get the size. Well they really only mentioned two exercises that each of these bodybuilders use to get size on a specific body part. Oh and I will note that they didn't focus on the legs other then a certain section. So basically just things to get you to have size up top, but not on the bottom. So you look like you would tip over in the wind. It just annoyed me so much.
So me and my workout buddy were driving over to the gym and I we were talking about what I read. I mentioned that bodybuilding is such a poorly paid sport. Basically if you win the first prize that pays for basically a portion of the supplements you need, the gym membership, the travel, and all those other little expenses that come with the sport. That's why so many bodybuilders have to find other ways of getting money. If you look up a lot of these bodybuilders you'd find some pretty adult related things. These guys have to get so big to become champions or at least get sponsors to see them and think they are worth it. The sport is such a double edge sword. The only way to make it in the sport is to win. The only way to win is to get big. The only way to get big is to get the right supplements. The only way to get the right supplements is to get the money. The only way to get the money is to get the sponsors. The only way to get the sponsors is to win. It's again another reason why I could never go into bodybuilding.
The other thing about the sport is what it does to your body. Look at the big bodybuilding legends from the 70's. Very few of them haven't had some sort of problem. The ones that use steroids have incredibly low testosterone levels. Some of them have a lot of heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems. A lot of them are out of shape because of all the dieting they had to do and the low testosterone. Starving your body puts it into this survival mode. They have to get their body fat level really low so all the muscle is visible. They dehydrate the body to make sure the skin sticks to the muscle super close. So when they finally get food the body holds onto it for dear life. That's why Yo-Yo dieting leads to people eventually becoming fatter. Plus I'm sure a lot of them regret endorsing some of the products they did. I mean I bet a lot of the guys sponsored by muscletech don't actually use it. Or they do, but don't get the results they claim to get in those ads. I really can't imagine doing something like that. Lying to people and having them spends tons of money one a product that doesn't actually work.
Well after that kinda intense rant we need to see something funny. Some people are crazy when it comes to fast food. There are people quite addicted to things. This is one woman who can't live without her McNuggets. I'm sure we all have seen this at some point, but again it's fun to watch that someone could go that crazy over food. Today's tip is you never know how lucky you are until you see someone that has nothing.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You can't fix stupid

That is my new mantra. Over the past two days I've seen and heard some of the stupidest things ever. I want to call out those people and shout in their face that they are being stupid, but I can't. I have had to tell myself several times that you can't fix stupid. I've heard Ron White say it all the time. I've heard my friend's and boss say it, but it's so hard for me to not want to fix it. So the best I can do is call it out on this blog. Oh and there is plenty of stupid to call out. What I call stupid is anything that someone does where they clearly thought about this and did it anyway. I also call stupid doing the same things and expecting different results. I even call not taking into account all the facts right in front of you stupid. With that in mind I guess I'll get started on what I believe are some of the stupider things I've seen in the past two days.
So I was at the gym and Brett Farve was making his annual press conference. In it he says he's glad to be back and blah blah blah. Now here is where the stupid comes in. He says his goal has always been to play football for 20 years and no more. Ok if that was "always his goal" then why the hell did he retire twice and on the verge of a third time? Why go through the hoops of crying and saying you want to spend more time with your family. If you truly wanted to play football for 20 years you would have come back from that first retirement and shut the hell up until the end of your 20th year. Why don't you just tell the truth. You are making sure you have a way out no matter what happens. If you get injured or play horribly you can blame everyone that pushed you to keep playing (the fans and the team) and say hey I didn't want to come back, but everyone wanted me to so I did it for them. If you play great then you can say I was worried about my ankle, but I kept going because I knew the fans and team needed me. If you win the superbowl then you are the big time hero and all the praise goes to you. So that's the stupid on his part. The stupid on everyone else's part is that they let him get away with this crap. They put all their hopes into him playing. They let him act like an ass and praised him for it. It's that whole spoiled brat complex. Instead of saying yeah we'd like you to stay, but if you don't we got someone else they bent over backwards for him. Well Vikings fans and team you better hope for your sake that he doesn't get hurt again or that he gets you to the Superbowl because if he doesn't then well I hope it was worth having a brown nose.
The other stupid I saw was on the show Disorder in the Court. Now this is the type of stupid that is just being pointed out more on this show, but it happens all the time. What I mean is the family of the person that had been found guilty of murder or what have you being stupid. The first was a mother of a kid that was the leader of a group that went on an crime state over three states ending with the death of a woman. Well the kid was found guilty (shocker) and his mother was being interviewed. She's like I know he didn't do it, it's not in his blood, I didn't raise no murderer and I'll be with him until the day he days. Ok this is stupid because 1. I'm sure there was tons of evidence showing it was him. 2. No one said that you raised a murderer. They are saying that he had become a murderer. How many people do you know that actually raise a child up to become a murderer? I mean honestly. Now the it's not in his blood is a bullshit answer. Of course it's not in his blood. It's in his head. That's where the signal came from, and saying that your going to be with him until the day you die is well short sided. She had another child. Or it was just a baby she was holding. Your really going to stop living life and center your being around this child that is now in prison for life with no chance of parole? Wow can't fix that. The other was the uncle of one of the two guys that murdered a police officer. He stands up and basically tells the family get over it. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? That's stupid on so many counts. 1. the family is right there. 2. that was a cop so the cops in the room are already on edge. 3. what good did that do? What was the purpose of being that big of an asshole that you tell a grieving family to get over it. If you lost someone no one tells you to just get over it. No there is going to be a grief there for a long time. It's just that it gets to a point where you can function from day to day. Being in at the trial of someone that killed your family member is not a place where the grief just goes away. Where you just get over it once the person is put behind bars. That wasn't the only person that was stupid. There was a family reading impact statements and the father lashed out at the killer. While he was being restrained the mother of the killer (he had been found guilty already) was going on about how she had lost a son. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING! It's not even close to the same thing. How the hell did you think that saying that was going to help anything? I just don't know what goes through people's heads that make them say crap like that. It's not that they are emotional. If they were truly emotional they wouldn't be saying this crap. They'd be apologizing for the torture that they put the family through.
Well now that I feel better by pointing out some more stupid I think it's time to show something that is far from stupid. DBZ abridged episodes. I say that because to come up with those jokes and do all that editing clearly they aren't stupid. Recently Team Four star has released the 17th episode. I think by far it is the funniest and best made episode so far. From start to finish it was good. It's really hard for me to not ruin some of the jokes now. Just be prepared to hold your sides in. Today's tip is you can't fix stupid, but you can mock it. Laughter is the best medicine.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well I think too much

So before I start blogging I actually think about what I'm going to talk about. I sort of have this internal monologue going until I actually get a chance to sit down and type out my thoughts. It doesn't even stop there. I can get up for something and I'm still going in my head. It's kinda like I think out everything several times before I type it. I think the reason being is that every little thing can get me going. As you can tell from this blog I can rant and rave at the drop of a hat. I'm sure if I sat down and wrote down anything I thought was rant worthy then my blog would be quite long. It's probably because I'm a thinker. I think everything through. There are few actions I take that aren't calculated in some way. That's probably the libra in me. Well I got some rants going in my head so I better get them out.
First up is Vikings fans are really pissing me off. The simple reason is that they have no backbone. Why I say that is because they let Brett Farve trample all over them. They practically bend over and say please Farve do whatever you want to me. I mean they let him get away with anything he wants. First off no player should ever text in a "retirement plan" and then show up late to camp without some sort of tounge lashing from someone. Farve annoys me enough, but the fans annoy me worse. If your so desperate to cling to a player on your team then maybe you supporting the wrong team. If one player makes or breaks your team then well your teams pretty crappy. At least have two stars then I'd give you some credit. I know it's mean and I know I'll get really bad Karma for saying this but I really do hope Farve's ankle snaps. Why you ask because I'm sick and tired of his attention whore crap. He needs to get out of the game one way or another. On a less mean note I hope the Vikings get knocked out the first game of the playoffs. I hope they don't even get close to get Superbowl fever. Hey I know I'm being mean and I admitted it.
So what's wrong with this picture? Oh oh I know. The fact that it has BMI as a percentage. BMI is not a percentage. It's a Body Mass Index. Go look it up. It in no way is a percentage. It's your weight divided by your height. Now it is used to indicate "body fat", but it doesn't actually measure it. If you look at any BMI chart you will never see a percentage only a number. Now I'm not shocked that to find this picture in the same magazine that told me I should be taking in 55 oz of water in a 3 hour period of I exercise. That's 9.8 oz away from what I'm suggest to take in on a normal day. If you read the article it even says that his body fat percentage was 35% and is now down to 5%. Ok that's fine but why not just put that in the picture. Oh I know why. Because the magazine doesn't care about accuracy. They just want to get something out to make it look like their products are awesome. They didn't even make sure they spelled August right. They added a Y. It's just annoying when a magazine makes it self out to be this big expert type magazine and they make simple mistakes like that. So let's get this straight right here and right now. BMI is not body fat percentage. They are two different measurements taken two different ways. One is heavily flawed (BMI) and the other isn't. I wonder what mistakes I'd find in other issues if I really looked.
Yesterday the customer that blamed me for his Gallbladder problems came in. I pop out from the back room and he's like there he is. He seriously said there he is. So I'm like crap this is not going to be fun. He asks where my boss is (yep not going to be good) and I told him I gave him the afternoon off which is true. He then says well I'm looking for a pre-workout. I've been out of it (working out) for 2 months because of Gallstones. He then asks if I heard about and I said no (lying through my teeth). He says well that product you like is really acidic (and it probably is not saying if it is or isn't) and I had pizza the night before so that combination was pushing the Gallstone up. He then follows up with, but it's a great product. As you can see this guy likes to talk out of both sides of his mouth. So he says I think I'll go back to Super Pump. He picks it up and then asks if this was the final price. Yep this is going good. I said it is and he eventually buys it. Well I can tell you right now our price is better then the leading competitor that charges the retail price. Our price is better then their sale days. So that annoyed me. Then as I'm checking him out at the register he says have you put on weight. You look bigger. I said no I'm at the same weight I've been at for 2 months. Probably just look leaner. He says yeah. When you get to my age it's a lot harder blah blah blah. Ugh just wish he'd stop with this double talking thing. Just tell me what you really think. I know your just trying to sweeten me up so if something new comes along and I like it I'll recommend it to you or so you can pump me for information.
There was this study that found that 1 in 5 teens has had some sort of hearing loss. Now the expert they had on the Today show blamed it on mp3 players. Well I do agree that yeah they have some fault, but there are other factors too. How about those teens that blast their music so loud that they have to roll down their windows. You know the type of music you feel miles away before you hear it. Then when their right next to you, you can't even hear your own thoughts. Or how about school bells. I can honestly say I swear those have gotten louder. At my high school they actually made them louder until all of us that actually could hear complained. Or how about theaters. Some theaters sound systems are so amazing that everything just blasts. Oh how about those surround sound systems that everyone is buying. There are tons of other factors in here. Yes there are teens that listen to their mp3 player way too loud, but there are other noises that they can't control that they are bombarded with. I'm sure we'd also find out that TV has gotten louder over the past 10 years. I'm sure A/C's that were bought 10 years ago are now old and getting louder and louder so you have to turn things up to hear them. So pointing your finger at one thing doesn't solve the problem.
So if you never heard of the anime Darker Than Black then well youtube/veoh/google video it. It's a really good anime. I bring it up because the first opening they did was made specificly for the anime. You can tell because of the opening. So if you watch this video and say hmm that sounds interesting then you know what you must do. The band's name is Abigdon Boys School and the song is called Howling. Today's tip is if your going to double talk make sure not to do it on public records or to people that talk to each other.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I got a lot on my mind

This blog should be an easy one to get up to 750 words so I'll get right into. What does Jealousy feel like? I mean really think about that question. It's an emotion we always hear about. It's even a sin. Yet honestly I can't point to a time when I felt jealousy. I can point to times when I was angry, happy, sad, and even nervous, but I can't tell you a time I was jealous. There are times when I wanted something that someone had, but is that being jealous of them? If that's the case then anytime you want something your "jealous". Can anyone really tell me what it feels like to be jealous. Maybe I'm not the type of person that gets jealous the same way others do. Maybe it depends on the person. I could always ask my ex what it's like to be jealous. I truly think jealousy is one of those fake emotions. Apparently there are only 5 actual emotions that humans feel. Now this is based on a biological changes that occur. They said happiness, sadness, anger, nervous and something else. Well I think nervous was one. Anyway that's what I think is with jealousy. It's one of those made up emotions. Oh well. Over thinking again I guess.
So I saw this ad for The Last Song. That crappy movie with Miley Cyrus. In the ad they say it's the perfect movie to see with your daughter. Ok why is it the perfect movie to see with your daughter. Is it because it's about a father and daughter relationship. Well by that logic Piranha 3D is the perfect movie to go see with your Piranha. Or you should go see The Expendables with your old army buddies. Twilight is the perfect movie to see with your vampire boyfriend and werewolf wannabe boyfriend. Just because a movie has something in it doesn't mean it's the perfect movie to see with that something. I guess advertising agencies are getting so lazy with their ads they are just going for the easy stuff. Oh it's a movie about a father and daughter so it must be the perfect movie to see with your daughter. It's just flat out laziness.
In Wisconsin in 2009 there were 238 deaths related to drunk driving. Now I may be a simple city boy, but don't you think that if you've been drinking maybe it's not a great idea to drive. Now granted I shouldn't be talking. I went to that bachelor party and everyone was drinking. Well 3 of us weren't. Apparently 2 of those 3 had been involved in a drunk driving accident or was addicted to alcohol. Leaving me who just didn't drink because 1 he was driving and 2 isn't a fan of beer. I just don't understand what is the drive to drive drunk. Why are you so spent on drinking something with alcohol and then driving on the road. It's not that your risking just your life. You are risking the life of everyone that is on the road. Your reaction time is slower. You are more prone to falling asleep. Your judgment is off. I'm sure what it is, is simply they haven't been caught yet. They did it one time and weren't caught. So they then assume oh I can keep doing this and I won't get caught. Then one day they don't get caught they crash. They crash into someone who didn't deserve it. Like I said I don't see the point. If you need to drink so badly then buy a case of beer and drink away. That way your not wasting gas and the only risk is solely to you... or you and your room mate. I really wonder what goes through people's minds that makes them go out to a bar and drive back home without someone who is sober. Plus they will do this in the snow too. There are seriously people out there that will go to a bar in the winter with all the snow at night and drive home. That's hard to do when your sober let alone when your drunk. It's just scary.
I'm sure we have all seen the commercials for the Shakeweight. Now it might actually do everything it claims to do, but who wants to use a product that looks like that. Well if your one of the few that still insists on going out and buying a shakeweight then watch this clip. If your one of those people that makes funny of people that buys the shakeweight then watch this clip. If you like to laugh then watch this clip. After it's over I'm positive you will not want a shakeweight... ok some of you might for the reason that the clip shows and if that's the case do not let me in on it. Today's tip is no one does anything for free. There is always a hidden cost somewhere.

Monday, August 16, 2010

They cycle begins yet again

It's Monday again which means the week begins again even though technically the start of the week is Sunday. That means I get to have fun with all those customers. Today just seemed like I lagged today. I got up to go workout and I was just tired. I then take my pre-workout and I'm still dragging. I then feel it working, but again I just felt lagging. So I then go through my leg workout and when I finished I was just tired. I felt light headed. Basically felt like how I should have felt after a total body workout. Now honestly I think what happened was that I added too much Waximaze today. Waximaze works to make the blood volume increase and well that requires more oxygen and if I was taking in deep enough breathes then that's why I got light headed. Plus I was working the legs which is this huge muscle group. So when I get home I'm just tired. My stomach just feels like it can't take in another thing. Yet I know I have to drink down my protein. Well eventually I get it down and take a shower and I felt better. So I'm just hoping the rest of the day goes better then this morning.
So those BP commercials are starting to annoy me. You know the ones where someone comes on and says they are in charge of the clean up effort. There are three of them. They all basically end the commercials the same. I grew up on the Gulf or my family lives on the Gulf and I vacation here every year or something along those lines. Basically it's a tactic to try to get people to think oh this person clearly cares about the cleanup. Maybe BP isn't so bad. Well honestly I think people are a lot smarter then I give them credit for (sometimes). I really think if people see that enough they make the connection and say hey wait a minute. I rather BP be honest. Show a guy who clearly is in charge that says I may not have grown up on the Gulf or have family hear, but I sure as hell want to clean up the mess for the future generations, or something that sounds more realistic. I mean the chances that 3 people in charge of some effort of cleanup that happen to have ties in with the Gulf. Come on. That means they were specifically hired so that when someone did a background check it would be legit. Then again BP is a PR nightmare. I just wish companies would be honest for once. I really think it would go over a lot better with people then pretending to care because we all know they don't as long as they are making money.
Imagine that you are forever stuck in 2009. What I mean is that no matter what you can not remember anything after 2009. How much would your life suck? Just knowing that no matter what you will never ever be able to remember past that year. All the friends you made, all the milestones you'll miss. I just can't imagine that. Well that's what one woman's life is like except she's stuck in 1994. That means she's stuck on everything from 1994. All the advances in technology, pop culture, and world events. It's like the movie 50 first dates. Now I saw that movie and yeah there were funny parts, but then I met someone who's memory really was that bad. I mean that movie now just isn't worth watching now that I know someone like that. Yeah the only way you can deal with it is to kinda laugh about it, but I just can't imagine actually going through day to day not being able to remember everything you did that day. Well not everything, but a good majority. I mean what if you had an awesome birthday party or your friend had a great wedding or even your own wedding. No matter what you'd never be able to remember it even with pictures. I will say that anyone that stays by your side when your like that is a true human being. They really do love and care about you. We can all only hope we find someone that would love and care about us enough to stay with us if something like that happened.
Today's tip is if you're buying something every week, but tell the clerk you don't need it, it's just for fun then yes you do really need it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fun Sunday

Basically I have so much crap to do today. The reason being is because the assholes that run the apartment complex seem to not understand that they need to fix the washing machines. They have been broken for at least 2 weeks and are still not fixed. How is it still not fixed really. They have their own maintenance team. I mean really. They were so focused on repainting the numbers and adding a sprinkler system and adding on these stupid fake window shutters that when an actual problem came up they can't pay to fix it. Plus now they are all of a sudden worried about the alarm. This guy knocks on my door and asks about the alarm and I kept telling him that it had been going off for the longest time. So now he wants to get a new battery for it. Thanks.
Oh yesterday was not a good day. I just had to deal with some of the most annoying customers. First off I had this guy who came in wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and polished slippers. That's right polished ones. It looked so wrong. Anyway he comes in and says he's looking for a meal replacement packets. After I show him where they were he says I don't get paid until Friday. So then why the hell are you here? Why are you there looking at stuff you can't afford and won't buy even if you could afford it. I've seen this before. They all come in say they want this, but that they have no money and will be in later that week or next week to buy it. Oh and he reeked. Just smelled like ass. It was terrible. Well eventually he says all you guys have is whey and I'm looking for this protein. I didn't hear what he said because one he was mumbling and two I didn't care anymore. So he walks out. Then I had this woman who came in was looking for free samples. She sees a product for female enhancement and grabs that. Then she wants samples of vitamins. Then she comes over to basically right behind the counter looking for samples for energy. She then decides to regale me with her life story. Goes on about how she's laid off and can't afford stuff. So as she's leaving I say aren't you going to pay for those female enhancements. She then says oh I thought they were free. WHY THE FUCK WOULD A FEMALE ENHANCEMENT BE FREE. Ugh seriously. Then as I was getting ready to close up the autistic guy comes in. Yeah I just couldn't win. So he asks me a question and I answer it. Then I just got the feeling he was about to ask me another one. So I said I'd love to keep talking to you, but I got to close up. I close up at 5 today. He says oh well I got my question answered so he went ahead and left.
So as if my day wasn't bad enough, as I was driving home I notice two bikers behind me. Well correction, I saw one behind me and another quite far off. So as I was driving I had to come to a stop. So the car ahead of me takes off their brake and I did the same and I slowly accelerate. The car then hits the brakes and so did I. I look up in my rear view mirror and I notice that the biker apparently wasn't paying attention and his rider did so she hits him and makes him pay attention. Well I continue to drive and I just had this feeling that the biker was following me. So I decide I'm not going to signal and just go. So as I turn he puts on his turn signal and I turn off and all I see is him pointing and driving off. I wouldn't be shocked if he got into another possible accident.
I'm a fan of The Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest. Mainly because it's always fun to watch dumb people. Anyway this is one of those moments. I'll just say grannies need to learn that they are no longer tiny. Especially not small enough to fit in a tiny hole in Vietnam. Oh and her reaction is priceless. Silly grannies, small holes are for.... never mind sounds too dirty. Today's tip is when in front of someone or something with more momentum then you, it's not a good idea to come to a sudden stop.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

And it's saturday workday

Yep it's either going to be a really long day or a really short one. That's how Saturday's work. I'm expecting a few people to show up, but we'll see. Yesterday's blog was so hard to get that 750. I had to include the stuff after the squibies which I don't usually do. I made it past the 750, but only by 25 words. I was struggling for topics. I had a plan in my head, but again it looks like I have to start writing stuff out in advance.
One topic I was going to talk about was the interview I saw with Dina Lohan. All I can say is wow I see why Lindsey is so screwed up. For one she talked like Sarah Palin. You know the whole I'm going to talk louder then you and say they same thing over and over again so you have to believe me or get frustrated trying to talk to me. I mean Matt Laurer says that Lindsey went to rehab 4 times and then Dina is like no it was only two. See yeah that could be a mistake, but honestly I don't think it was. I bet she has been in rehab 4 times and the mother just didn't want to admit it because she wants to look like the good mom. Then Matt mentions something about how the daughter has future super star on her website. Again Dina denies this. Says the daughter doesn't even have a website. I meant to go check on that to see if she did have one. Again I bet she does and Dina is trying to be super mom and say no I'm not pushing my kids into acting and what not. Now those were minor things for me. It was something she kept saying that made me say wow you really need to stop talking. She said the judge removed herself from the case because she went against what the DA wanted. Dina kept saying she would have been fired for playing "hardball". Alright that is wrong on so many levels. If Judges could get fired for going against a DA then they'd all be fired. When a DA yells out "objection" and the judge says overruled. That's going against the DA and they aren't fired. So clearly there is more to the situation then that. The fact that she kept saying that told me that clearly this woman doesn't know what she's doing or saying. Yep she is for sure one that lead Lindsey down the road she's on. The fact she kept pushing this idea that she's a good mother means she knows she's not.
So after that total body workout I did yesterday I'm not sore. That's odd for me. Maybe I'm not getting as sore because I'm making sure I lift properly and that I'm not lifting too heavy. I mean I've seen guys go in there and honestly they lift improperly. Or they clearly are at a weight too heavy. Some guys have this idea that they should move up a certain weight in a certain amount of time. Personally I think upping the weight every 3 weeks is perfect. Makes sure I have the weight under control and keeping proper form. I'm sure there are some exercises that I should up the weight more often, but I don't. I think that is probably the reason why I use to get sore a lot. I lifted too much weight so that I didn't have the proper form or I added far too much weight far too quickly. Then I'd have to keep a weight at a certain point because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to keep up my rep average of 8. I like being able to do at least 8 reps, but according to a book as long as I keep an average of 6 I'm fine which I can usually do. Usually what happens when I up the weight is that I do 2 sets of 8 and a set of 6 or 7 or I manage to hit all 8, but I'm tired as hell. Speaking of which I'm not nearly as tired after a workout. Again I thank the Waximaze for that. That is an incredible product that I wish I added more often to my workouts. I think it would have made starting out so much easier. Probably would be better off now since I could go to muscle fatigue easier. Plus it's really leaning me out which has always made me very self conscious.
Today's video is the music video for Baka Survior. That was the 2nd opening for Bobobo-Bo Bo-bo-bo..... I think I did that right. Anyway it was never shown on cartoon network (for some stupid ass reason I'm sure) which is a shame because it's a great song. Hmm maybe becaus Baka means idiot... Anyway this is the music video by the band ULFULS. Hope you like it because it's crazy. Today's tip is a sign of dehydration is a headache and/or aggression. A sign you're a jerk is doing the "fire in the hole" prank.

Friday, August 13, 2010

What a day

Yep tons of fun. So I went to the gym today to do a total body workout since I had the day off. So when I get there there were two other people there. This one guy on the treadmill I swear ran like Velma from Scooby Doo Where Are You? I tried not to stare and laugh, but I mean I've never seen a guy run like that. I then go to the back to lift weights and wow. 35 lb dumbbells were left out. I think some people don't understand how to put things back. I'd hate to see their house. I mean you don't see people going there and pulling things out of their place and not putting them back or at least asking where do they go. Anyway so then I of course did my workout and then this older woman comes back and starts setting stuff up. She then runs to the bathroom to change and she then proceeds to go through all these different workouts. Ok the annoying part was that she set everything up that she planned on doing. Ok it's one thing to set up for the next exercise, but I mean she set up for everything. Plus it wasn't just me back there but another guy who kept staring at me. It was kinda weird. I even think he was going to talk to me if she hadn't come back. Anyway the annoying part was that she was hogging all the machines and she of course didn't wipe down any machine or bench she used. I guess older women really don't understand gym etiquette. She's the second older woman to do that. What is the deal with that.
In other news looks like they changed the poster for that World's Strongest Woman training. It now says World's Strongest Man/Woman. Probably because they figured that Women really wouldn't want to do that. Honestly I don't see anyone really signing up. I mean $50 per month or $10 per session. Well they clearly need some luck for that.
There was also this article that came out yesterday. Apparently the secret to gaining muscle isn't heavy weights. It's actually muscle fatigue. What that means is lifting a weight until you can't lift it anymore. So It can be with a really light weight or a heavy weight just as long as you go to muscle failure. Now this is something I knew. I go up in weights because eventually I'm spending forever getting to that failure part. So I knew this because I read it in all the books, but when I see a study that proves it I feel better. I mean I'm not the biggest guy, but when you see someone lifting huge weights it does feel a bit intimidating. Least I'm doing it right.
The last big note is that clearly blogging is smart idea for me. When I start freaking out I need to blog. If I write out my feelings it gets them out of the way and I think logically. For instance the freak out about my co-worker who called up yesterday and proved he didn't dislike me. It proves that when I give good advice I got to listen to because it works. Yay.
Today is my day off which is always good. I'm probably going to take a nap later along with doing nothing. I also plan on having pizza tonight. YAY PIZZA! Plus the annoying thing is that it was raining like crazy this morning. So much that my area was under both a severe thunderstorm warning and watch. The only downside is that for the first 3 hours I'm peeing every 15-30 minutes since I worked out this morning. Yay for increased metabolism that causes me to pee a lot because I was drinking a lot of water while working out. That and I used Waximaze which puts more water in my blood.
Today I'm posting two videos. That's right you get two for the price of one. I'm sure we all have heard of Trojan condoms and if you haven't you now have. Anyway apparently they made this video called Trojan games. Yes it's exactly what you think it is. The first one is a "power lifting" event. Again it's exactly what you expect it to be. The next one is Judo. Again it's exactly what you expect it to be. So if you want a cheap laugh then watch these videos. Got to love dirty humor. Today's tip is you never know what people say behind your back, so pay someone to stand behind you.