Sunday, January 31, 2010

The beginning of a long week

So today starts the beginning of a long long week. I know I'll have tons of stuff going. The new store opens next week. Tons of stuff will be coming in again this week. Tons more receiving and stuff. Plus we had printer issues yesterday. Luckily I got it fixed, but it wasn't easy. Which reminds me guess who had a weird customer yesterday. He comes in tells me he came back from Alaska and that he was looking to lose weight. Ok I can help with that. Then he says he's looking for a gym and I was about to suggest one down the street (even though well we have issues) then he says and don't tell me about the gym down the street. Ok that's fine, so for about 10 minutes I am suggesting a gym and he's giving long in depth reasons for why he can never go there. One gym was only for the "upity", another gym was just all about the MMA fighters, another was a franchise, another didn't have trainers available, and the other was the YMCA. The most annoying part was he had his daughter there. I'm amazed she didn't say anything. Anyway the only way I got out of having to keep talking to him was by another customer needing to check out. Even as he was leaving the guy kept trying to talk to me. I of course thanked the customer for coming in and saving me. I told my boss about it and he said yeah that guy is a talker. He can spend hours talking. Yeah for sure got off lucky. Just really hope he doesn't come to the new store when I'm working. Today's tip is you have to spend money to make money, or just keep the money. Either way the net amount is the same.

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