Sunday, January 3, 2010

Well I'm Sick

Yeah I'm sick yet again. I hate being sick. Especially since I wasn't really well to begin with. Well hopefully when I get over this I'll be well for a few months. I haven't worked out in like a month because I've been sick and been back in Texas. I might have to start while I'm sick and hope I don't get worse. Honestly like all other sicknesses I swear I'm worse when I get up and try to fall asleep. Oh well. Yesterday I just felt like I was really really out of it. I clearly need a job where I stay still and don't have to walk around too much. I'm thinking today is one of those days when I should just sit on the chair and play Pearl. Or just watch tv. Could also stay on gaia. Which is always a funny site because they go on and on about how buying gold will get you banned and all these other things will get you banned, but there are ads all over the site that endorse that stuff. It's a funny thing. Anyway the point is that I'm going to relax today. Anyway so yeah that's that. Squiby is back up, but it's being weird. So no post for that. Well I'm off to go relax to hopefully workout tomorrow. Oh right the tip for today. It pays to listen. No seriously there are jobs where you are paid to listen. Look it up.

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