Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week is almost over

That's right the week is almost over and good news...maybe. So yesterday I sent in my application for the new place and well I'll find out on Monday if I will have a place or not. The new place is coming along. Well the mental stuff and list of stuff we need is coming along. That's a good thing. Now we have to secure the place then begins the leg work of moving everything, painting everything, building everything. Tomorrow I need to work on my place, while doing laundry. Since I'll have to give me notice soon and once I give notice he can take people into my place. Don't want it to be messy. Plus the temperature is very nice right now. It's in the mid to low 30's. I can deal with that. That is much better then dealing with the teens and windchills making it below 0. Yesterday was a pain though. It was a combination of a headache and customers coming in the second I sat my butt down in the chair to watch bleach. I think my body was just having some weird reaction because this morning my eye wasn't bugging me like it usually does in the morning. So far no headache. I like no headaches. Oh had my pizza night. For once I was actually full and could not eat anymore. That doesn't happen to me with the normal pizza I buy, but at the same time it tasted weird. Smelled weird too. Not to mention it promised extra cheese, yet that looked like a normal amount of cheese. So maybe not so much with the getting more of that brand, but as I was saying. I was watching bleach yesterday. I've been really behind with that series. Just got too long and I had too many things to do to try to keep up. So I just wanted to see where they are. They are in another filler arc. Though I must say this one has me interested. Apparently all their zanpaktou souls are out and about. So the shinigami are out and about trying to keep them under control and to work for them again. I like the series, because I've always wondered what every one's zanpaktou soul looked like. I mean we know what Ichigo's looks like, and Renji, but that was pretty much it. Now we see what they all look like and I must say it's interesting. Anyway squiby is down once again so I'll just post the new opening for the filler arc. It's called Anima Rossa by Porno Graffiti (great name). Today's tip is a good friend helps you think outside the box. A great friend would be in the box with you, telling dirty jokes.

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