Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just 24 more days

As we see the grip of old man winter truly reaching tons of places it never has or places that it is gripping way more than it should I just have one thing to say. 24 more days left of January. Once you get passed January, February is so easy. It's only 28 days. Then it's March which is spring month. That's all I have to make it through. Actually according to everyone here I have to make it to April, but like I said just have to make through this month and wham I'm home free and get to see green instead of white. Lucky for me the weeks seem to be going by much faster than they were previously. I also hear about a job either today or tomorrow. I hate when they say you'll hear sometime at the end of the week. How about giving me a specific day. I'm nervous about it. If I get this job than I'm working 8 hours a day (like now), but I'm not really working with customers the same way I am now. Not to mention I'm spending a lot more time on a computer putting in numbers, but the pay is good. So cross your fingers for me. Had a good night as well. It was Comedy Wednesday which I love watching because well who doesn't like a good laugh. Just a good way to end Hump Day. Too bad during it, it started to snow and is still snowing and won't stop snowing until early this evening. Thank you oh so much. I hate driving in the snow, but it happens when you live up north.Today's tip Remember 24 days left in this month then it's love month then spring month so don't let that ice get you down.

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