Friday, January 15, 2010

Think I Have A Place

Yeah I think I have a place now. Well once I get the security and application fee in. It's a pretty good place. Yeah it's not the place with the dog friendly policy. So I guess I'll go another year or so without one. Lovely I must say. I got home and did an arm workout where my mom who has called me for 3 days straight. So she interrupts that then just yak yak yaks. I am like come on get to the point I'm working out, but not she just keeps having long pauses so my workout was basically over. Thanks mom thanks a lot. Then my Ex ims me. Put shortly me and my ex went in too fast burned out, but my Ex randomly ims me or checks my twitter. It's really annoying because we aren't even in the same state anymore. Anyway I just don't really want to talk to my Ex mainly because I can't tell if the other party has moved on or not. Not to mention someone was really clingy and jealous. There was also NOTHING on TV last night. I don't know feel like I'm getting edgy lately. Probably because of the weather. We are in a sort of heatwave and I guess it's making me want it to be spring. Maybe it's because I'm expecting an apology from two people that clearly won't ever apologize. Maybe it's because I'm all nervous about the move. Plus my job is possibly going to have a new location. So I guess I"m just overwhelmed. I better workout again tonight maybe that will help. Well it is pizza night so that might help....a lot. Today's tip is people come and go in our lives, but if you can get them to like you before they go then your one person closer to world domination.

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