Friday, January 8, 2010

Boy did I have a fun filled day

So I'm on a website I often go on and boy did I have a day. I'm there hanging out with my friend and we start talking about how two people we know were broken up for good. One of those people happened to see that then starts getting all snippy saying don't let me stop you. I'm sure you will tell the other. That comment got aimed at me. I come to find out that he thinks that I told his former girlfriend some sort of secret. He yells at me and yells at my friend for defending me. Then he accuses all women of the site as having "issues" and leaves. Now normally that wouldn't bug me, but it bugged my friend. So we talked to the former girlfriend and she of course had no clue what I said since we rarely talk alone. So now she wants to know because clearly whatever he told me is such a big deal. I message him. He doesn't answer. I send it again and he's like I'm not in the mood to talk. So I message him saying clearly your the one with "issues" if you can't even tell me what the hell you think I said. Come to find out he's mad at me because apparently I told his girlfriend that they broke up. So I'm like your pissed at me for that. I didn't say anything to your former girlfriend. She kinda already knows. I wouldn't have anyone else to tell anyway since everyone that knows you two knows you two break up every so often so no one is shocked anymore. It just irritated me that he would get so pissy about a secret that wasn't a secret.
On another note I was watching the news and it amazes me how the Republicans are jumping on this torture bandwagon. Suddenly everyone thinks that we should label the underwear bomber as an enemy combatant and torture him. Ok let's think about this rationally. What would this guy really know. Think about it this guy is suppose to have died because he's what you call a "suicide bomber". I mean what is the purpose of telling a suicide any information other then their mission. Not to mention why would they tell them factual information for if they got caught. Let's use our heads people. If I'm going to send you out to do a mission where you could get captured why would I tell you about other missions we plan on doing at other times. Or better yet why would I tell you stuff that is true. Wouldn't I want to throw off the enemy? Especially if the person I'm sending is suppose to die anyway? I guess I kinda think of it in a logical sense instead of an emotional one and trying to snipe at an opponent.
Well on a different note. Here are some cuties. I'll also distract you with a video of digimon season 1. These are all the ultimate digivolutions and Agumon and Gabumon's warp digivolutions.
Today's tip is time is the wisest counselor. It also has you in a death grip.

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