Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nothing like a Natural Disaster

To bring out the worst in people. No I don't mean people that steal and stuff. I'm talking about those people that have a mouth piece and broadcast to millions of people. That's right I'm talking about Pat Robertson. I mean to say that the reason why Haiti got the earthquake is because a long time ago they made a pact with the Devil is just well stupid. I mean 1 it doesn't make any sense. If that was true then why would they be getting hit now and not shortly after they made this pact. 2. Last time I checked the bible never said anything about kicking people when they are down. Pretty sure there is something in there about helping others less fortunate then you. I mean if he truly believed that then why isn't he over there in Haiti on missionary work. Oh that's right he doesn't want to get away from the US because that would take him away from his money. Well Pat hope you can look God in the eye when things like this come up. So today I did a walk through for one of the places I might be moving into. This one today was pretty decent. Not too far from work. Awesome pet policy. Just as long as the dog is below 30 lbs I don't have to put up $300 dollars. It's a pet friendly area. Thank you. No application fee, but I will check out the other one today. If it's a lot more space then well I kinda have to take it. Today is a workout day as well. Thinking arms tonight. Yeah should be not really. I hate doing arms and chest because I always feel like I put in a lot of work and I see no results. My back and legs and shoulders no problems. So yeah there you go. Today's tip is children are said to have an ability to tell good people from bad. Too bad network execs have that same ability.

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