Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today is better

So yesterday I was in a not so great mood (obviously). I think it had to do with my headache and feeling like I had way too much crap to do. It was not a pleasant feeling. Plus getting customer after customer asking to talk to my boss. So like I said not a good day. So with I'm feeling much better. Plus a lot of the stuff we need to do is now done. Had a customer today that was just rude. I know that reading is a great way to learn, but I mean some people should stop reading or not trust everything they read. Plus she is like I can't have anything purple or red to drink because I have a test. Turns out it was just a colonoscopy. I must say I have never heard that instruction before. Also had another guy come in saying he didn't need protein because the doctor said so. Plus he didn't need it because he was big enough. Makes you wonder if people are actually listening to what the doctor or the magazine says or just remember what looks good and looks like a fun fact to remember. Tonight I'm pretty much doing nothing since the State of the Union will take over my comedies. Oh and I will no longer watch Children of the Corn. Ever. I haven't seen that movie and months and last night I had a dream that He Who Walks Behind the Rows had sent the children to kill me. It of course got weirder. He sent sent some weird buzz saw like leaf after me and apparently I had the Omnitrix (Ben 10 and Ben 10 alien force) and became a leaf like that as well to kill it. Yeah I have a weird ass mind. Pretty sure no one wants to be up there. So that buzz saw like leaf reminded me (somehow) of the first boss from Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. Maybe because he sends his bug minions to kill you. Anyway here's a video so you can see what I'm talking about. Today's tip is remember if you are in the public eye, everything you say can and will be used against you for at least 5 years. 10 if it's really good.

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