Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Well I had an day

I should say an interesting day. So yeah my eye was still being an ass, but now it's fixed today. I tried some drops in there and it for sure helped. Then I got into a tweeting argument with my friend about guys and cologne. She thinks it makes guys smell "delicious" while I said it sucks wearing it because well we can't stand the smell. So I ask you guys do you like wearing cologne or so much the affect it gives off? Most guys I know hate wearing cologne unless it's a special occasion like a wedding or an interview. The argument came up because I was talking about my old spice deodorant. I got it because it was cheaper than my brand and throughout the day the old spice gives off this over powering scent. So she was like mmmm old spice delious. That's my friends for ya. I also had this omg gross dream. There were these zombies and one of them got to a super hero. The super hero zombie got to this scientist and I mean afterwards what happened to the guy was like cartoon like bloody. What I mean is it was like in Kill Bill where it went cartoony for a bit because it was so gory. Then in another dream there was this huge zombie worm. It liked to bite things. It even captured one of my friends and made him a zombie minion, but everyone else died from the bite eventually he didn't. Yeah I have really gross dreams some nights. Well more so recently. Today is senior day so I get to deal with a bunch of seniors today and well some are kick ass. Others.....yeah I can't say it without getting some major bad karma. So on a less gross and old note here are the squibies. In conclusion here is your tip for the day. If your dreams are predictable every night then congrats your dreams are as predictable as you are.

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