Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have some questions

So yesterday I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you've never seen it then well you should. It made me feel less weird and random then I am. Anyway so after watching that and Rent. I had to wonder. In a musical what do the people in it hear? Do they hear the songs as normal conversations or do they actually hear the song and sing along? Like if real life was to become a musical would all the conversations we have be musicals or just the important ones. Would we hear them as songs or would we still hear a conversation. Yeah I have that much time to think about these types of things. Now you wonder about it too don't you? Also checked out a possible new place yesterday and went to a viewing today. It amazes me what's available and what people make you pay. One place wants to make me pay a $300 deposit for a pet and pay an extra $20 per month. Another one wants $250 deposit for a cat and $400 for a dog. Yeah not going to happen. So looks like no pet for a little while. Well there is one other place who I haven't hear their pet policy on. So we'll see. On an unrelated note NBC seems to be falling apart. I mean they are scrambling for programming, the Leno and O'Brian thing, and now a judge leaving America's Got Talent. Yeah clearly something going on over there. So after watching Rocky Horror Picture Show I got a song stuck in my head (shocking I know). So enjoy The Time Warp. A very interesting little segment if you ask me. If life was a musical then there would be no need to ask what's on someone's mind unless they are mute.

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