Saturday, January 9, 2010

The weather outside is frightful

Ok I think we all agree that the weather right now is very freaky. Something is not right. Not right with it at all. For southern states and Cuba to get hit with weather like they are something is wrong. Now yes it could just be some fluke that it happened, but at the same time think back to last year. It was unusually cold as well. Pretty sure we had another surge of Hurricane. Anyway the point is that we really need to watch the weather, but that's just me. Anyway yesterday was a pretty decent day. Decent sales. No call from that other job. Somehow I'm not shocked in the least. Didn't seem like they were too together. Least the person that interviewed me. I mean my interview got moved and delayed because my interviewer set up a meeting during that time. Keep in mind that I set up the appointment 2 weeks in advance. You'd think that if the meeting was setup before that they would have let me know. You'd also think they would also write down the time of an interview. I also hate when they say you'll know by the end of the week. I mean why not say you'll know on this day by this time. So yeah not so happy about that. Makes me wonder if I really want to work for them. So I'm going to spend my Saturday watching cartoons and maybe laundry so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Today's tip is we all lock our keys in our cars at least once. Make sure it isn't in winter in a major windchill.

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