Saturday, January 23, 2010

Am I just not good with change?

Or do I just hold onto things way too long? Me thinks it's number two. I mean my landlord called earlier in the wait that was last week. Anyway I could still be mad about that. Anyway this week has just been a lot. I mean I have had a lot of work to do. Oh well so my landlord called and now wants to act like he's a good guy. Needless to say I don't trust him. Basically he wants to run an ad for my apartment along with another apartment. He says it won't cost me anything and if he gets it rented I don't owe him for March. Sounds like a good deal yes? That's why I don't trust it. It sounds like a good deal. Makes me wonder what he's getting out of it. I mean this is the type of person that makes you pay for EVERYTHING. So like I said he's getting something out of it and I want this deal in writing if it's exactly as he says it is. I don't want March to come around and I don't get my security deposit because in his fine print he never said the ad comes out of my security deposit. Or him to say well there is an extra move out fee. Anyway I can't stand that guy. Plus I have so much work to do with this new shop. Well today will just be relaxing. Relaxing is good and much needed. Well I'm off to do nothing. Never underestimate the power of doing nothing. Laters.

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