Thursday, January 21, 2010

Free DINNER!!!

So yeah I get a free dinner today. Which is good because I didn't feel like making dinner tonight. I was so tired last night I went ahead and made my pizza. That and I needed to workout and pretty sure that if I made my dinner I would eat late and workout late and miss part of Modern Family which I enjoy. I'm in that rut when I don't feel like I'm seeing any results what so ever which I never do until I get measured then I'm like no they look the same. I think I suffer from the same thing some body builders do. You know that they aren't big enough. There was a documentary on it. Anyway don't feel like I'm getting any results and that I'm just trying to get back to where I was before I left for Texas and before I got sick. Just doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere. Didn't even help that only one person said something when I was back in Texas. That's always lovely. Plus my touch pad is being mean. I don't like trying to get a mouse for my laptop. Just feels weird to me, but looks like I'm going to have to. Oh but I had a fun time yesterday. So I'm in the back receiving in products and a guy comes in to talk to the owner. The owner was out on a personal errand so I simply said he was at the bank and should be back at about noon which was like 15 minutes later. So the guy leaves then comes back about 5 minutes to noon. I'm clearly working and once I get to a point when I can stop I have to stand out there until he leaves. HE STANDS THERE LOOKING FOR 30 MINUTES. Not to mention he was asking some kinda personal questions. Not to mention this guy doesn't really shop at the store. He was at the old location, but never bought anything, and rarely comes to this new location and you could tell by all the questions he was asking that he wouldn't ask if he regularly shops at the new location. So the owner finally comes and here is the question he asks. Do you have a job? Like I wouldn't know. Again that question is something that someone that normally shops here wouldn't asked the owner, especially if the owner is gone for like 30 minutes. So I'm pissed because I could have eaten lunch and been done with what I needed to be doing in all that time He spent walking around. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't really shop here. I think he thought that he had some special connection with the owner and could tug at his heart strings, but the owner basically was like me. If you don't shop here and then come in and ask for a job I'm not going to give it to you. If you are a fateful shopper then yeah we'd be more incline to give you a job because we see you like every week and you spend a good bit of money. So like I said I was pissed. What also made my wait better was the fact that an old lady called and I say hello [enter the name of the store here]. She said I'm sorry I didn't understand you. Which is ok because the phone isn't the best, but if I can hear the person then they can hear me. So I said again [insert name of the store here] and she says I can't understand you. This isn't going to work. There is something wrong with your communication device and just hangs up. Ok first off it is most likely your end because your old and your hearing isn't all that great. I've never had a problem with anyone else hearing me on the phone. So it lead me to the conclusion that old people are just flat out rude on the phone. So that was the highlight of my day. So if you enjoyed the little video yesterday then you'll love today's. 2 seasons after the Mahou Sentai Magirangers did their little song and dance. The Engine Sentai Go-Ongers had theirs. This is a clip from I think from episode 35. Anyway it's the song, them changing, beating the monster, then the ending. The whole episode was funny since it was the bad guys working with the good guys. Another one that will either make your sides hurt or say what the hell and stop it. Today's tip is a child's laughter is priceless. You know what you must do. Bottle it and sell it to make millions and/or be labeled a monster.

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