Monday, January 25, 2010

It's Monday Again

Got tons of stuff to do today. I'm so loving it. Things keep changing around here and so well I'm kinda stuck in the old ways. I'm like an old person in that sense. The only difference is that I don't complain to the person in charge about it. That's one reason why I have a blog for it. I found out something though. When I paint and listen to music my mind wonders. For instance I was wondering about my Ex. Currently I'm trying to keep my distance, but I started wondering hmmm should I be nice and at least see what's going on? Why was this brought up? Because I was doing a mindless task and the song that happened to play was on that reminds me of my Ex. I came to the conclusion that yes I should be nicer even though my Ex tends to get way too involved in my personal life. Plus I'm all happy about the vikings losing. Why you ask? Because I can't stand Brett Farve and hopefully he will actually retire now. Or at least if he doesn't want to he won't pretend like he is. Man I can't stand him and Leno. I'm going to retire no wait no I'm not and I'm going to inconvenience everyone around me, but since Farve signed a two year contract and got close to the super bowel this year he'll probably stick around. Which reminds me of what I saw on good morning america. They were talking about teens and the abstinence pledge. Ok I'm all for saying that your not going to have sex before marriage, but at least keep these teens informed about birth control. A study showed that 88% or something like that of those that made the pledge didn't keep it. And of that they had the same rate of STDs or was it higher. Anyway the point is if parents would just talk to their kids instead of at their kids about sex we could prevent a lot of teen pregnancies. Sex ed starts at home.Find a song that fills you with a sense of joy. Play it when you wake up and your day will be that much better. Your tip of the day.

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