Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I feel off

Today I just feel off. Something is wrong with my chest. It's kinda where I noticed what looks like a bug bite. Might not have something to do with another. I don't want to go to the doctor because I could be freaking out over nothing. I could have just slept wrong. Anyway it's just making me feel like I'm being short with people. Also means I'm going to have to deal with a lot of customers today. So yesterday all day it felt like Monday. Today feels like Tuesday. There is winter weather coming later today through tomorrow. Yeah I'm tired of Winter. I know it's making me off. Not to mention I want to get out of my place as soon as possible. My landlord is a prick and the place isn't that great. I seriously need a full week of vacation. Too much is going on at this point and feels like it's getting worse and worse and it's not going to get any better. So anyway enough about that. Tiger Woods has gone into rehab for Sex Addiction. I can honestly say I saw this coming. A lot of the celebrities and politicians that get caught in these type of scandals always seem to land in rehab or claim sexual addiction. I don't know if he's truly a sex addict, but I do know it's hard for me to believe that he truly believes that and wasn't told by his PR people to go. I was watching the Today show and one of the experts said he could simply be a serial cheater. That honestly sounds more like what happened then sex addiction. I mean sex addiction seems like you'd be going out and having several different sex partners for one night stands, not actual relationships. Then again no addict is the same. So I was combing through my video stash and I came across one of my favorite videos. It is from the 8th episode of the Mahou Sentai Magirangers Series. This was the first Super Sentai I watched all the way through. Watching this was the moment I said wow America screwed up this series. No wonder it's going down the toilet. You'd never see the American rangers do something like this. Not to mention the Super Sentai series actually shows death and blood. So enjoy this clip. It will either make you laugh your butt off or say what the hell was that. Today's tip is do you believe in magic? If your answer is no then congrats. You have killed your inner child. The police will be there shortly.

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