Saturday, January 30, 2010

1st month almost done

With January finally coming to a close we are just a step closer to FINALLY getting warmer. Like I said February is short and will be a breeze. Work is finally starting to clam down for the moment, but well we haven't opened yet so well it will get worse again. Speaking of worse at work I had a customer threaten me. No not with a knife or with bodily harm I mean by threatening to take his business elsewhere. He was flat out bullying me to try to give him a bigger discount. He comes in grabs his stuff and sets it down and says I could get this stuff 10 dollars cheaper if I bought it on the internet. Ok I hate assholes that say that because right there you know they are just trying to get you to give them that discount. Then when I told him the total he's like and that's with my 10 or 15% discount right? Again I hate when people try to point out their discounts. I'm very tempted to say yes that was with your discount, but if you don't want it fine. So I said yes that's with your 10% discount. Then he's like well the owner gives me 15. No the owner doesn't give you a 15% discount unless the computer says give him a 15% discount. Or in another case, but he isn't in that other case. Then he says the owner should "sharpen his pencil" and that he does a lot of shopping here. Like I said he tried to threaten me and bully me. So I simply told the owner that he will probably hear about it later on. The owner is (shockingly) on my side. Which reminds me I had the weirdest dream....again. Ok I think all my dreams are weird happy? Anyway I was Harry Potter that was working with Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart) and trying to save Hermione who apparently used magic on some muggle bikers and was in trouble. Then all of a sudden I'm at my old college and I'm eating in this restaurant next to the campus with friends and all of a sudden we are doing a game where you have to pop balloons blindfolded with darts. My cousin also worked there. Like I said weird. So I felt like doing another video from my library. The song is called Ever Blue. I think it's a really good song, but trying to find this specific version was a pain in the ass. Usually you can only find it with Hannon singing it. In this version yes she sings the main part, but Luchia and Rina help her sing the chorus. I just think it's a better version. Plus the video comes with lyrics. Needless to say it mainly focuses on Hanon. If you like the song you can always check out the anime Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and Pichi Pichi Pure. Today's tip is before putting on your clothes always do a hole check. You don't want to be that person with holes in their clothes, or do you?

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