Friday, January 29, 2010

Well that was....great

So yesterday I thought that we weren't going to get the huge shipment we were suppose to get because it didn't come UPS. Well it was on a Freight truck (oh joy) so we did in fact get it in. Spent the rest of yesteray working on that. Which was not easy because suddenly all these customers wanted to walk in and talk and buy stuff. Everytime I have work to do suddenly everyone wants to come in, but not when I don't have to work on something. Then no one wants to come in. Plus I couldn't get to sleep last night. I think I was out for like an hour then I was up until 1ish. Well least tomorrow I get to sleep in a little. So once again Leno is well pissing me off. They showed a clip of him talking to Oprah and he's seriously trying to say the late night thing was not his fault. That he did it for his staff. Oh that is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard, but ok let's play this game. He was doing it for his staff. Well let's look at O'Brien's staff. They moved from New York to LA only to find that they didn't have a solid job for a few years, but a few months. While your staff was going to get new jobs, until wait the network handed you a show and you said ok sure. So now your staff has a job again and looks like for at least a few more months while O'Brien's staff has NO JOB! Yeah he's still the villian. Yeah this is classic Leno as Lettermen said.Today's tip is the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. The first step in a food fight is to throw something at the popular kid.

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