Monday, January 4, 2010

Well I'm tired of this

So on top of having a cold or something my eyes are acting funny. Well not so much my eyes as my right eye. For some reason it just seems really sensitive to light and I can't keep it open correctly so it looks like I'm asleep. Or sleepy or just woke up. Pretty sure it has something to do with the cold. On the plus side my right ear is no longer blocked up so I can hear. All it took was blowing my nose a lot when it's congested. Now the annoying part with that is when I talk it sounds like I'm stuffed up. Oh it's great isn't it. I also have to do some soul searching. Basically give myself a time line as to how long I stay here. I can stay here longer if I'm doing good like going to school and having an actual source of income to sustain myself, but if I'm not I have to fly back to Texas. One of those things I really don't want to have to do. Just seems like a lot is going on. Oh well what can I do. I wish it would warm up here. I'm sure the sub-zero temperatures aren't helping any. Really wish I knew what was up with my eye though. Oh I had a thought yesterday. Yeah just fyi I have random thoughts at random times within the day. What would it like to have a porn star as a friend. I mean that has got to be interesting. Think about the parties you could go to. Then again they could be emotionally dead and just a huge force of negative in your life. Not to mention you know they have to get tested like 52 times a year. Not to mention I bet their dating life is interesting. I guess I'm not the only guy to wonder what it would be like to have porn star friends. I guess I say that because it would be cool to work on a porno because you know the money has to be decent. Again guess it's my guys mind going wild and wondering. Well squiby is up and running so check it out.
Got to love them. Some people can draw and have cool things like those while others like me are in awe of them. So I figured with the end of the weekend I would post an episode of the Weekenders. Man I loved that show. Now it's so hard to find it on tv. Wish it lasted longer, but that is the way of the cartoon. Today's tip is this, sometimes the biggest test of character is inaction and what you don't say. It's the difference between a best friend and a worst enemy.

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