Saturday, January 2, 2010

Step in My Shoes

So yesterday I was talking to my sister and she was telling me some things that upset me. No I wasn't getting mad at her, but was getting mad at the situation and the person that was doing her wrong. I was just imagining myself in her shoes and all the things I would do. Then I realized something. For all the things I would do or want to do I realized that well if I was in her shoes that I'd probably do the same thing she would. Think about it. How many times has someone said to you "If I was you I'd..." Well think about that phrase. If they were you and had the exact same memories, experiences, morals, and what not would they really do it differently. The only reason why they see it differently is because they are looking through a different lens. So in other words because we all have different experiences we can see things in a different light. We need to stop saying "If I was you..." because if you were me or anyone else you'd act exactly like they would, but I digress. It just annoys me that I can't fix what's bothering her. It pisses me off that she is getting treated the way she is. Then I realized something. Me getting angry isn't going to help her. Yes I know how she is getting treated is wrong. She knows it's wrong. So I obviously us complaining about it isn't going to help. I said you know what we need to stop judging because there is only one being that will be the final judge. If who is doing you wrong can stand there and say that you were treated fairly then that person will be judged on it. That's how I see it. At least today. I'm kinda real Zen today because well I'm too tired to not be Zen. Meaning I'm too tired to be angry. Oh well. So I figured that I'd end this post with my tip and a song from Hoku. First the tip. We all forget that we can't fix the world's problems or the problems of our loved ones, but we can stick close and be a shoulder to cry on. Now for the video. It's a song from Hoku called Another Dumb Blonde from the movie Snow Day. Kinda goes with my whole Zen mood today.

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