Sunday, January 10, 2010

Got a lot done

So yesterday I got a lot of stuff done. Did the laundry and started looking for a new apartment. There are quite a lot of good places near my job or new job. There are a surprising number of places that allow pets. Mainly cats though. Not that I don't like having a cat, but I've done that before. I kinda want to try having a dog. I also went out and rented 4 movies. "Oh, God!", Rent, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Robin Hood Men in Tights. Yeah I have a lot of free time this weekend. Plus I plan on watching Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. That one is an anime not a movie. Anyway like I said a lot of free time. Which reminds me Jay Leno is officially on my nerves. I've never been a fan of his and I admit that. Anyway so he leaves the Tonight Show, then decides never mind I'm going to come back just on earlier. This is the point that he really got on my nerves. Now NBC only has 2 hours of prime time. Now shows that should have gotten a chance got moved and now they can't go past that time slot for anything. Now that Leno isn't getting the ratings he wants he wants to bitch and moan about how he's on too early and wants his old time slot back. Ok you jerk you already left. It's Conan's turn. He was promised that show and now he has it and NBC is actually thinking about giving it back to Leno. Wow that's just sad. Leno is officially Brett Farve. NBC should do what the Packers did. Say no you retired we have faith in this new guy go away. Well that's my two cents on the matter. Squiby time. So I was watching Phineas and Ferb and it was the cliptastic episode. There is one song that I find really funny. It's called Little Brothers. Just watch it. I love the ending of it.
Today's tip is There are days when things just go your way. Enjoy it because they are few and fleeting.

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