Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Light at the end

So I think I'm finally getting better better. I'm not coughing as much and the only symptom I seem to have is the fact that I'm congested. Which means I'm getting better. So that means I'll finally get to work out again. Ugh you never realize how much you miss it until you stop. Being sick plus going to Texas really messed with that schedule. So I've established that the next big purchase I'm saving up for is a new laptop. Yeah this one doesn't have sound and it's 3 years old. Yeah it's lasted pretty much as long as it's going to last so that will be my big purchase I save up for. There is a reason behind the no sound, but I don't feel like going into the story so if you want to know go look in my old blog. Oh and there is this app called tweetpsych. Just for fun I tried it. It basically analyzes your tweets and let's you know in what categories you tweet more about than the average tweeter and which you tweet less. Well needless to say I had to look up mine an of course let the world know. I talk about time 72% more than the average tweeter. Yeah that's a lot more. I talk about learning and leisure 28% less than the average tweeter. I also talk about sex 4% less than the average tweeter which is odd because I figured well I'm a guy I would be talking about it more. Anyway it's a fun thing to check out. I have senior day tomorrow so that is going to be loads of fun and lead to loads of stories. I know I'm going to be avoiding one senior tomorrow because well she's loud, can't hear well, can't see well, and sometimes doesn't make that much sense. So I adopted two new squibies yesterday because well I was bored.
Yeah adorable aren't they. So again feeling all nostalgic I was on youtube and well saw the morphing sequence for power rangers the movie. So I of course had to watch it. I was going to post it here, but apparently the person disabled embedding so through some means I acquired it to my hard drive and well here it is.

I always loved this one because it pointed out something that few of us realized. Like the monsters are just going to stand their while they morphed. I mean they have a city to destroy. They aren't going to just stand their and let 6 teenagers change so they can be defeated. That and the morph was way different than the show. Not to mention the suits were a HUGE change. Than again it's what happens when Americans get ahold of Japanese stuff. Oh and here is your tip for today. You can give someone all the info in the world to make an educated choice, but the choice is still theirs.

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