Friday, January 1, 2010

New Day, New Year, New Decade, New Blog

So this is my first post on my new blog. Too bad right now my blog is acting up. I can't seem to get my tweets to show up. Might have to wait until a new gadget for twitter comes out. When I preview it it's fine. Ugh anyway so I had a good New Years Eve. Went to go see Avatar in 3-D. Wasn't that bad. The screen went blank for a bit and so I got a free re-admission ticket. It's funny how as soon as it went blank like 20% of the people went out to talk to someone. I mean do you really think that they don't know that it went blank. The reason why it went blank is probably because it was half green so the were trying to fix it. I guess that's the society we live in. If something goes wrong you have to be one of the first to complain and you have to get something in return. Guess it's just something you notice. Oh one thing I have noticed is the fact that my movie also got pushed back. It was suppose to start at 7 and it actually started at 7:45. How weird is that. Meh it happens. Well these are my squibies. They are little things that people drew and put on the site It's a fun site. I posted my profile in the links if you want to see all mine. Oh just so you know squiby is suppose to go down later today for a whole day so if you don't see anything when your viewing this that's probably why. Well I'm off to go do some new years stuff. So I leave you with this tip for today. It's a new day of a new year of a new decade. Remember that means a new slate. So don't punt that cat for another day.

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