Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have so much crap to do. I'm finally getting to blog after taking a little bit of a break after placing this huge ass order. Plus I'm getting a stress headache which is REALLY hard for me to get since the only time I get them is when I'm at home with my parents. I didn't get them at college. I was fine there. No headaches what so over. Unless I was sick but that doesn't count. That goes to show you that this is seriously killing me. I knew this new business was going to be work, but I didn't think that I would have to do so much work. Plus my boss just keeps snapping and I get the brunt of it because I'm the only one there. I just want to take a whole day off, but no I can't. Plus if I quit I have to tell my parents why and honestly I don't want to have to deal with that. I just need some me time again, but no I can't get it at all this week. I'm just so.....ugh. I just want to crawl into a hole and stay there until everything is done. Nothing will calm down until March and by that time I'll be too pooped to even care. All I have to say is this new store better workout or I'm going to flip. Speaking of flipping the Octomom is at it again. What I mean is she's going on NBC and lying to everyone. She was recently on the cover of people or one of those magazines looking all slim and fit. She said she had no surgery done. Ok if you saw the during pregnancy pictures you know that is a bold face lie. Her skin did not just magically go right back to it's normal shape no matter how hard you work at the gym. I've seen guys that have worked out really hard, but they have extra skin and the only way to get rid of that is (you guessed it) surgery. Look at people that were once fat then lost a lot of weight. They have extra skin. It happens. There is no shame in needing surgery to fix it. You know the Octomom she never wants to admit her surgeries until reporters have to get it out of her by looking into her records to find out yeah she did. I'm just glad that all 8 of the babies lived to see one year old. Of course the battle isn't won yet. We still don't know to what degree some of the babies will be disabled. Which reminds me of this guy that came in yesterday. He comes in and asks my boss to hold his check until Saturday. That's right he comes in on Monday and wants to pay for it on Saturday. He's expecting a big bonus. Ok 1st off if you can't afford something DON'T BUY IT. 2ndly if you don't have the money for something we can HOLD the items for you. I mean you don't go to McDonalds and say oh don't run my card today. Run it next week after I get paid. They'd take the food from you right then and there. Plus I already don't like this guy because the first time I met him he comes in looks for 30 minutes, grabs one of our books and sits there and reads it. I have a long memory when it comes to people that annoy me, do me wrong, or things that make me laugh. I still won't let my dad forget the time he chose a movie that put the whole family to sleep.Today's tip is I believe children are the future which means we are all doomed if a lot of these parents don't step it up.

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