Monday, January 18, 2010

That was a crappy Sunday

Yeah never again will I ever try a male enhancement. I was product testing it to see if we should bring it into the shop. No no we will not. It didn't really do anything that night, but the next day I had this super terrible headache and I was just sick to my stomach. The headache I can live with, but when you feel like your going to vomit every 2 seconds you can't really do much. So that's why yesterday's blog was so short. So no grocery shopping. Barely got my laundry done. Let alone the cleaning. I did manage to see the cowboys blow it yet again. Yeah whenever I count on them to do something for me they blow it. That's how it's always been with them. One reason why I don't follow the cowboys. I just now realized it's MLK day and I'm at work. If I was in school I'd have the day off, but looks like schools up here don't give off for it. Got a tough week ahead of me, but I need to make sure I stop by game stop to get my free pikachu colored Pichu that I can use on Heart Gold to get a spikey eared Pichu. I'm so ready for that game. Oh and my mom is getting on my case yet again. I mean she is just getting on my nerves. She calls me up early yesterday when I was still asleep knowing that I work pretty much 6 days a week for like 8 hours. She apologizes then says call her later. So I did and I get a lecture about going back to school. It's the same god damn lecture every time. You need to start signing up blah blah blah. Ooo it just burns me up. So I said mom I got it stop lecturing me. Then she goes on and on and when I get mad she's like I see your not in a good mood this morning so I'll call you back later. No, I'm not in a good mood because you are treating me like a child and repeating what you keep telling me over and over again. I swear I'm going to stop answering her calls. Which kinda makes a funny transition into the video for today. It's been stuck in my head for awhile now. Well that and Time Warp. Anyway it's that song from the Powerpuff Girls episode where all the color gets drained from the town. The song is Love Makes the World Go Round. Cute little song that gets stuck in my head easily. Today's tip is the heart remembers what the head long forgets. That is why it is hard to heal sometimes.

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