Monday, February 1, 2010

Great day...not

So today I can't get onto the internet using my computer. Yeah that's just great. I have to use the company computer while the boss is away. The wireless that I usually use isn't working. Plus when I try to use the ethernet cable I get limited to not connectivity. Plus I had to get here kinda early, but got a late start on some important stuff because a guy needed to talk to my boss. My nose is still being weird. I don't think I'm sick, but yet my nose is running like a faucet. Yeah not cool at all. Plus since I'm not on my computer I can't put in a video like I wanted to because the one I wanted to post is on my computer. I will have to see if my computer works with the internet tonight. I just hope it's the networks here and not my computer, because I really can't afford to get my comp fixed or afford a new one. We also got a huge shipment of stuff in. So today is just one of those days where nothing seems to work with me. Had another one of those want to complain about their discount again. I guess people have gotten into this mode where they are entitled to get a discount from our store when it was our choice to reveal that you can get a discount. Personally I would keep that on a need to know basis since everyone wants to try to take advantage of that. Not to mention some are just down right rude. Had a lady come in and right off the bat says I bet you don't have what I need. Ok first of all how do you know right off the bat. Your just assuming that we don't have what you want. You know what they say when you assume. You make an ass out of u and me. Honestly it's more of you make an ass out of yourself, but well they were being clever when they came up with that. Anyway so now I'm totally not on your side because we did have it. Then she wants a discount on top of that. Want to post a sign that says if you want your discount? Then don't be an ass. I don't know if it's just the winter weather or the bad economy or what. Well I better get back to work. Today's tip is keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That way you always have a human shield close by.

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