Monday, January 11, 2010

Hmmm networks hate me

So when I get to work I can usually get on a network at one of the shops here at the mall and go on about my day. This morning not so much. I couldn't get on, so I thought ok no big deal happens all the time (because it does). Then 2 hours later still couldn't get on. So I'm like ok what in the world is going on. I've never been kicked out of the wireless network for longer then 10 minutes. What I mean is that I'm connected, but I can't connect to the internet. Right now I'm tapping into the office's internet. Yeah isn't that lovely. Luckily today I'm watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. That should brighten my spirits. The Leno NBC bomb scandal gets worse. Apparently after the olympics Leno is going back to his old spot, followed by Conan, followed by Jimmy. Oh that's seriously like NBC just said fuck you Conan. Conan of course put in the deal that he gets multi-millions if NBC pushes the tonight show past 12:05 EST. Guess where NBC stopped short of. That's right 12:05. When questioned NBC said that it had nothing to do with the decision. Oh bullshit it had everything to do with the decision. Money was the reason that Leno is being pushed back, money is the reason why they are keeping Leno, and money is the reason why everyone hasn't been moved back a full hour. NBC wants to keep everyone and doesn't want to get rid of anyone. Honestly I would hate to be O'Brian in the situation. You were promised to have a show at a specific time slot that was ahead of yours only to have the old person push back your time slot so your basically back in your old time slot. Even better is that Leno decided to make a comment about NBC's decision. Ok Leno your the asshole that is causing this huge shit bomb to go off you aren't allowed to comment on it on your show. The only way you can comment is if you are making yourself the butt of the joke and saying yeah I'm the reason why O'Brian is being screwed over. Well I bet you can't figure out who's side I'm on. Well today's tip is a wise man once said the only way to improve is to go out and get better. Ok maybe more obvious than wise.

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