Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So Mad I Could Spit Acid

So I had one of the most frustrating days yesterday. So let's start with the fact that I was still recovering from that male enhancement. So I was still suffering from a bit of a headache and stomach ache. Anyway my landlord is being an ass. I was suppose to have signed a 6 month lease but the ass changed it to 7 months. Even it it was 7 months I should be able to get out when I'm suppose to, but no he's being an ass and wants to say nope out on the 31st and if he can't rent the apartment then I owe that months rent too. Oh yeah screw that. That is not going to happen in a lifetime. That would mean I'd lose my security deposit plus have to pay for the whole month of March. Guess what I'm not going to do that. So like I said I can't stand the guy. So I was kinda in a not so great mood, until my boss said you know what I don't want to rent from a guy that was that much of an ass to you. So because he was being such an ass over my few hundreds he lost out on a chance to get over a thousand. So that made me feel better. Especially since he hasn't rented the space for a year and a half. That makes me happy that there is some little bit of justice. So I was calm the rest of the day. Then I went grocery shopping. One of the customers at the store works at the grocery store I went to. The guy is autistic so he does not get social cues or read people at all. He finds me shopping and follows me for like 15 minutes basically reading everything I put into my basket. I wanted to say hey shouldn't you be in the break room not talking to customers. I mean I really wanted to say something, but I can't because it's not really his fault. Plus whatever you say he takes to heart and treats like the word of God. Not to mention pretty sure he doesn't have a lot of friends because he sees things in black and white all the time and doesn't read social situations at all. Plus he's so negative all the time. He's always going on an on about how he isn't doing well and how he hates his meds and how the doctors are trying to keep him down. Plus he asks for advice but never takes it. Like I said just want to say something but I can't. So I get home from shopping more wound up instead of wound down. Least American Idol is on tonight and that should be fun. Today's tip is forgiveness can lead to a great weight off the shoulders, but only if it comes of your own free will.

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