Thursday, September 16, 2010

Too much going on

Just seems like no matter what, just seems to never end. I hate the election season. It's all about attack ads over and over again. Yesterday I saw an ad that was a "pre-emptive" response to a possible attack ad. I can honestly say it was a stupid idea. He said that his opponent was going to say that Washington treats social security as a poncy scheme. Ok even if you did say that how is that attack ad worthy. Well I'll tell you right now he has way more dirt on this guy then what he said about social security. The guy apparently got government aid and grants, yet says the stimulus bill didn't work. Well obviously it did since you got some of those. Plus the guy really hasn't done an attack ad. He did one which just shows that the guy got government aid. How about you answer that. Plus the guy won't debate his opponent which tells you something. I just wish people would focus on what's not being said rather then what's being said. Look at what they aren't telling you. Do they name their business? Do they use real people in their ads that aren't on a script? Do they go to debates? Look at all that stuff. That will tell you who is the better candidate.
Sometimes I really do get lucky. My boss likes to mess with me. He'll say that I can get time off if I hit a certain amount of sales even though I'm scheduled to get the time off anyway. Well yesterday he did it again. He texted me saying if I got a certain amount of sales then I could have the morning off. I checked and I hit that number. He then added 50 dollars to that saying that's what he meant. I said no you said this amount. Well he came in and right before closing I had one last sale. So he looked at the sales and I hit the dot that he wanted me to hit with the 50 dollars. So I laughed at him and said ha I hit it plus. He then pulls out my text and I actually did say what he said. So I got lucky. I think it was because I treated a lot of people like human beings. I think it lead to a lot of good karma.
So like I said yesterday I have 2 more videos based on the video yesterday. Aaron Carter redid the song I Want Candy. Someone on Youtube of course parodied it. It's now I Want Candy Dead. It's just a funny spoof because of what's being said. I think I posted it earlier or it was on my old blog. Anyway watch it. Always funny making fun of Aaron Carter. Today's tip is treating people like human beings leads to good karma.

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