Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The stupid is flying

I just have had a morning where I just wanted to smack a lot of people for being stupid. So I'm just going to get right into it.
First off yesterday I had a customer who just irks me. He said that one of our pre-workouts made him depressed. Yeah I looked into it. There is no ingredient that even has a side effect of possible depression. In fact there is an amino acid in there that is suppose to lift mood not bring it down. So he was asking about Kre-Alkaylin. He was going to go with a pre-workout he knows he likes. Then he asks me which pre-workout I took with it. I said this one is one I started out on now I'm back to my favorite pre-workout and still taking it. So he somehow gets it into his head that he has to take the product I took when I first started out. So I said you can take it with any pre-workout you want. This is just what I took because I was trying to lose the creatine gut. He then says the key phrase that pissed me off. "I hate trying new things." I JUST SAID YOU CAN USE WHATEVER PRE-WORKOUT YOU WANT! So I know he's going to come in later this week or next week saying he didn't like the stuff and say I pushed him to it. My boss was there. He heard me say that you could use it with the pre-workout you know you like. Anyway his statement also tells me that I bet the other stuff didn't make him depressed. Something else did and he blamed it on the new stuff he took.
The other stupidity that is flying around has to do with the election. Right now there are republican candidates who are running on this platform of we aren't career politicians. They both say that government doesn't create jobs like my opponent believes, but the private sector does. Well let me first go after the republican running for senate. Well he never tells us what business he owns. Well it has come out that he did in fact receive government aid from the stimulus bill that he says failed and says that his opponent voted for which he didn't. Plus all his ads feature nameless people who are clearly reading from a script. The democrat however has names of people who he's helped. As in you can look them up and see if they are lying or not. Plus he really is super frugal. He doesn't vote for anything unless it is paid for. So already the "not career politician" has been caught being a hypocrite just like a career politician. The other one is running for governor. He again hasn't said what his business is. He hasn't mentioned how many jobs he has created. He has kept pushing saying he doesn't do attack ads. Yeah that again is bs. That's all his ads really do. Point out what his opponent did or does and how he doesn't do it. That's an attack ad. On top of that he has been a congressman for 2 terms previously. He again has ads that don't feature people with names. It's just this scripted conversation. So basically it has come down to democrats that can back up their claims with newspaper articles, clips from news shows, and real people. Their opponents can only say they aren't career politicians while doing things that career politicians do. Smart.
I'm sure you heard how the Jets are in trouble because of how they "harassed" a female reporter. Well my room mate saw an interview with this reporter. Even saw a picture of what she was wearing. She was wearing jeans so tight they looked like they were glued on. When asked about that she says she wears what other sports reporters were. Yeah maybe in mexico, but not here. You won't ever see a female sports reporter wearing skin tight jeans because they know that opens them up to not being taken seriously. You'd never see a guy wearing skin tight jeans when interviewing a player. So I read an article talking about what "apparently" happened. First apparently there were passes thrown in her direction. Said they were purposely overthrown. Ok first off if your in the sidelines passes are going to come your way sometimes. Deal with it. Then apparently in the locker room she was being sexually oggled and couldn't look anywhere. YOU ARE IN A MEN'S LOCKER ROOM! MEN CHANGE IN A LOCKER ROOM. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T GO IN! Normally I'd be on the side of the reporter, but when you 1. wear what she wears and 2. go into a men's locker room then talk about how you can't look anywhere then clearly your an air head. If I was the NFL I'd just make a rule saying female sports reporters are not allowed in the locker room. Maybe even make a rule saying don't wear skin tight jeans when going in.
Lastly is the guy I had to deal with at the gym. I think awhile back I posted about how weight hog brought in a friend who was worse then he was. Well the friend was back today. He insisted on hogging the cable machine. See when you plan on using both cables then how about oh I don't know DOING YOUR EXERCISE THEN MOVING ON! Not this guy. No no. He of course has to spend 20 minutes hogging the machine. Lucky for me I just had to use it for one exercise, but still. Ugh can't stand when people do that. Stay on one machine or exercise until your done then move on. Don't keep going back and forth. You make it impossible for those of us going to muscle fatigue to get our workouts in.
With the premiere of the new season of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien coming out on 10/10/10 I figured I'd post the opening theme song. As you can see it has gone a long way away from the original opening. Anyway you get to see all the aliens he (I assume) will change into this season. So it should get you psyched to see it. Today's tip is if you're in a men's locker room then don't be shocked to find guys changing. IT'S A LOCKER ROOM!

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