Monday, September 6, 2010

And labor day

Yep we get today off unless you work for a retail chain. Yeah think about that. You know I'm right.
So this morning I went to workout, and just as I figured no one was there. Plus I got to start my new workout plan as well. Honestly I think it was a good change. Felt like I got a good workout in. No one was in the back to bug me. I didn't have to rush through my workout because I didn't have to go to work. It was great. So as me and my workout buddy (who I had to drag into the gym) were doing our cool down when this guy wearing jeans comes in. He didn't have any change of clothes so I wondering if we had another weirdo that likes to workout in jeans. I snuck a side view and it looked like he was looking for something. So I whispered over to my buddy that I think he's looking for something. Well he comes over our way and asks if we had seen a watch. I said no haven't seen a watch. My buddy says well check the lost and found. Then here is where it gets annoying. He then tells us that it's a $13k watch. Ok we didn't ask how much it cost. Then he tells us what it looks like. Again we didn't ask. He then tells us where he lost it. Again we didn't ask. So my buddy says he should talk to the manager since they have the 24 hour surveillance cameras. Then again he gives us some more useless information. Yeah I live in Madison. I own a gym in some other Wisconsin city. Again I didn't ask and I don't care. First of all why the hell would you bring a $13k watch into a gym just to take it off and lay it down outside of your gym bag. Next is why are you telling us all this information. We haven't seen a watch and if we had we would have told you. My buddy wears a watch the whole time he's working out. If he's not wearing it it's in the gym bag. That is the thing I don't get about people. They will gladly flaunt how much their watch cost and how much it does, then carelessly leave it out. I don't care if your the only person in the gym. Ugh....people.
So after I took a shower I was thinking. Everyone is different. Yes I know we have all heard that, but I mean muscle wise. I mean there are guys who don't workout and clearly have peaks in their biceps. It took me about a year to get my peak. Mine also bulges out on the side. My stomach does not flatten. It's one reason why I've always thought I was fat. I have abs that protrude out. I've gotten my body fat to 4.95% before and still it looked like I had belly fat. So I've resigned myself to knowing that because of the way my ab muscles look I will never have that flat tummy that you see on tv. Doesn't mean I don't have a strong core. I think that's something that we all forget. We see these models on tv and in the magazines, but we never stop to think that there is a reason why they are models. They are those that have the stomachs that have abs that don't protrude out. They are the type that can get the perfect bicep peak. They are the ones that have to do yo yo diets and screw up there bodies when they get older. It's one of those things I learn from my job. I see all different body types. It honestly is helping me with my body image issues.
Here is more Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. Just so you know. If you say your an ice dragon you should probably look like one....yeah. Today's comment is today we celebrate workers by forcing people to work so we can have sales today.

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