Friday, September 3, 2010

New product again

So again I'm trying out a new product. It came in early so I got to really give it a test drive this morning. I will say if what I felt this morning happens everytime then I can honestly say I can see this being a really good product. When I worked out this morning I didn't change anything. I did the same excerises and had the same weights, but it felt like my muscles were working harder. Seemed like more of the muscles were being worked as well. I left the gym feeling like I had a great workout. Plus it seemed like I felt it working before I went in. It felt like my muscles were really getting worked. I can't wait to test this product out with my new workout plan. If I feel what I felt this morning then yeah I'm going to be pushing this product and the rest of the line.
Well after getting all my anger out and talking to my boss I figure I'll not be an ass to my co-worker. I was going to not let him know about the new line until the weekend he works and just leave a note saying if you have questions call me and not show up, but I messaged him saying it came in and if he could spend half an hour on Saturday I'd explain it to him. Figure it would be a nice way of bonding and getting him to learn he does need to lay off. See blogging really does help with dealing with emotions.
So another oil rig exploded in the gulf of Mexico. All I an say is you'd think that anyone in the gulf would do a major safety check to make sure they don't suffer what BP suffered. You'd think that the CEO would say oh shit better check all of our stuff because if we had an oil disaster like them I'd be forced to resign. On the plus side no oil was leaded out because of the explosin and everyone that was on the rig made it off safely. No one died at all. Seems like it that company got off lucky. I know when I saw it as a trending topic on twitter I was thinking that someone was playing a joke like saying Bill Cosby was dead again. So glad that all those workers were ok.
I hate spam. Period. Apparently since I'm a guy I must have a small penis or need to find fuck buddies. Yeah not every guy has a small dick or needs to add 4 inches. Not every guy needs to find an "adult buddy". You'd think that the people sending these would say hmmm maybe we don't need to send these out. How many people actually click on these. Oh and don't even get me started on all the colleges that are sending me stuff. In 10th grade I said I showed interest in psychology and I'm still to this day getting info on it. I'm also getting stuff on mortages. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A HOUSE! As you can see they are very accurate.
Today is a special day for my twitter account. On Septemeber 3rd 2008 I started my twitter account. I had to open it up because it was part of my social networking course. The cool thing about it is that I can say I was on twitter before it was as big as it is now. In fact when I first started it I wasn't a big fan of twitter, but after the course was over and after my stay in the hospital I really got into blogging and twitter. We also had to open up a blog. It's why I was on wordpress for a long time. Peronsally I like blogger more because there are more things I can do with my layout plus it's a lot easier to find videos and post them. I'm not limited to dailymotion, google, and youtube. I can even upload videos. Plus I seem to get more hits here then I did on wordpress. Doubt anything fun will happen today twitter wise.
Time for another speed run. Remeber the game Super Mario World? Well if you don't seeing this will remind you of it. It was a really fun game. This is a speed run of the game. It comes in two parts just fyi. I'm amazed that he did it period. It's a really hard game to speed run. Well that is if your trying to do everything. I personally can't imagine doing a speed run without at least getting a mushroom right off the bat. If you are going to do something stupid, don't tape it. You'll never live it down. Look at the star wars kid.

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