Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Think this stuff is working

Or my eyes are playing tricks on me. I went up to the mirror today and said wow looks like I actually have pecs. I look down and they look and felt real. Also saw a whole lot more stomach muscles. Maybe this stuff does work. The funny thing is my co-worker said that you know it's working if you get a pimple in a weird spot. Or you could just do the mirror and gym test.
I also noticed I seem to be able to go on less sleep. Just seems I do a whole lot more tossing and turning and waking up in the middle of the night yet in the morning I'm perfectly awake. During the day I'm no more tired then normal. Maybe it's the build up of testosterone. Well on my post cycle I'll be taking a product that I know gives me some good sleep. Just wish I had more people to talk into trying it. All those that would try it seem to have already been in and won't be in until later on in the month. Oh and I also found some jeans that don't feel like they are trying to strangle my thighs. Still do need to go out and get some new ones I'm sure.
Also had a meeting this morning. It was dull like usual, but I did get free donuts. I love free donuts. Actually I love free food period. Then again how many of us don't like free food. Plus I had some real doozies yesterday. Had the guy who really can never make up his mind about anything. He goes on the internet for everything and believes everything he reads. Makes you wonder why he comes in to ask what my opinion is on certain things. I had to flatly tell him that you can't lean out and gain mass at the same time. Well you can try, but it's very hard to do. That's why most guys bulk up then lean out. It's a whole lot easier to do. Of course he didn't listen and wants to still try. I think he thinks that leaning out means you get so skinny you look like a cyclist or a marathon runner. Ugh people like that are the hardest to help.
Today's excuse is we didn't start the fire. The scapegoat did. Like it always does.

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